Friday, February 07, 2014

We are having some trouble with our pistons on the gate.

Before we put the new gate up. There has been some problems with the one side closing before the other side. Mean while the one piston has been turned off for now. That is why I had to put the large board on the one gate. I have been shopping for new pistons. Now you can see why it has taken a while to replace them. I have been in contact with one dealer already in Miami, Fl. Hopefully we can replace both of them at the same time. It really is a need. 
Plus if you really look close at the new gate, you might say, wow that really doesn' t look new? The reason is we still need to repaint it. While we have been storing it for the last couple of months, it has been out side. Hopefully this next week we can repaint both sides. It is now just finding time to do it. 

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