Monday, February 17, 2014

Had a wonderful dinner last night, Bahamian style. Miss Ada's

It was so nice to just sit down and enjoy some good old food. This was the night that the staff was invited to come over and get some grub. Mark and Tim had a chance to share a little of their lives stories with the students. I sat and ate and had to leave. Kevin was at the church (Calvary Bible) all day, helping and learning how to use the sound broad. He needed a ride back home. So we had a chance to get some what caught up on his last week. Over all he has not been feeling to good. So really didn't go out and look for a job. He did get a couple of apps and filled them out on line. He promise me that this next week he will try harder. 
On the way home back home for me, I looked up and saw a beautiful moon. 

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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

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