Saturday, February 08, 2014

Looks like we are having a town meeting?

Okay let me to tell who is who here? First that is Dr. Bob then comes Billy, Harri, Mr Monroe and Pastor Blazua. Tim Ryan was inside talking with Tim Seeley, he would have been out here too. Okay the police officer came out to inspect our vehicles (all). The reason is we have four buses, one Ford explorer, Toyota van and a Toyota T-100 truck. So to go get these all inspected, would take me and another person a whole day to get it done. So Miss Eldroa set up appointments with the traffic police to come out each year. It takes about 20 minutes tops, to get it done at once. So every thing passed. Now we need to save our money to pay for it. It will take them about two weeks or so to get the paper worked done. Just think each bus will cost us around $950.00. =$3800.00.The other vehicles will be about $200.00 each =$600.00. so it sure adds up fast. Plus duirng this time we renew our insurance too, I think? Maybe not. But that cost around $1500.00 each bus=$6000.00 and vehciles will be around $500.00 each.=$1500.00 Boy I sure can spend money fast? It really is not me? 
Okay back to why everyone was here, Bob he is here to get some stuff done. Billy picking up a stuff form Tim Ryan. Harri came out to help us, but I really didn't have much for him to do. He left and went back home to paint a door plus. Pastor Balzua came by to sand down his pulpit. We have a belt sander which did a great job and cleaning it up. Tim Ryan stopped by to drop off some veggies and fill the water bootles for the All Saints Camp. 
Oh while the officer was here, the guys had some questions for him, why is there so many cars on the road. Are they going to limit them down the road? He really doesn't think so. To hard to stop now. I was talking with him during the inspection, why on Sunday night all these motor bikes are running every where? He told me that is their ting, they do each Sunday. He didn't say anything else about it. 

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