Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hey folks it is Friday, all ready???

Okay during the day, Bob and I worked on getting the old trolley rear axle to turn , left and right. If you have been reading my blog for a while now, we have been trying now for over a week to get it to turn. Well after Dr. Bob's pushing and pulling and heating it up, using grease and what ever else. It is turning some what. Mean while, the young man in the first picture is Semein, having lunch with me. Him and his mom use to go to Calvary Bible Church. That is where I know them from. Well Semein has been going to trade school here and during Fridays he has off. So his mom, Lisa. Asked me a while back if he could come over here and help us out. I said no problem, he just needs to work. So yesterday he came and I had him painting the gate up front. All the medal hinges and L brackets. This way we can finish spraying painting the gate with the final coat. 
During this time I have been working on new signs for the Visitors Parking  lot. Plus helping Dr. Bob out with pushing and pulling. It really was a great day. 
Oh I forgot about the first picture, these students are from a school here, (not sure which one). But they came out to have a tour of all we do here. It really looks like they had some fun too. 
Plus you see this young man? That is Adam, Mark's son. He was there to help me too. He has the pencil above his ear and ready to do some work. He really is a good kid. He loves big truck and buses. Even the John Deere and the Bobcat too. He is man's son. 

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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was...