Friday, February 28, 2014

I am a day behind. Inter net still not correct

Okay I pick up the other welder from Mr Knowles. It needed some work before we could use it. Nothing to hard, we put wheels on it plus rewired the wiring.  But over all it was in good shape. Well we tied the two lines together. Plugged it in and it worked. We can weld off of one 220 volts. So then Dr. Bob tried out the new welder, welds great he said. Bob did find out some thing about welding last week, you use the 6011 rod first and then go back over it with the 6013. This way the 6011 goes deep in the space. The 6013 is a over covering and it looks good too.The other gentleman you see here is Bob two. He is helping us out a couple of days ago, his main job is helping at the ALC Camp. But on free days he will be helping us here. 

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