Saturday, February 01, 2014

My day didn't start out well at all, BUT FINISH GREAT!

The night before my buddy Scooby has not been breathing well at all. I knew that there are sores on his throat and other parts of his body. I have been praying for God to heal him or stop his little heart from going on. I really don't want him to suffer at all. You know while you lay in bed you listen and hear that cough, then he tries to get his breath back. I am making this sound worst than it really was. It hard to explain. But we woke up yesterday morning and I kept asking God what should I do? I love my buddy here, but I don't want him to suffer at all So asking and praying, I came back home after devotions and loaded him up. He was doing pretty good. But I still was praying Lord please! We went for a drive to the beach and walked around a little. Then I saw a young couple there, asked them to take a picture for me. After that we loaded back up in the truck and on our way to the Bahamas Humane Society. I called early to see what they thought? Said bring him in and see. We sat there and it felt like hours. But called his name and we walked in. First thing was they weight him. 129.5 #. WOW, I thought, they did too. Okay they checked him out and said, let us try giving him some meds and see what happens. They didn't have the right stuff, so they called around and found someone that did. They did not charge me any thing. Left with some hope now. Got there and talked with the vet, he gave him a shot and said he will be okay for a while, a month or so. Plus gave me some other meds. We loaded back up in the truck and I was praises my LORD. Thank you Jesus for this time and I know down the road I will have to travel it again, but my prayer is still Lord he is Yours and You do what has to be done, PLEASE. 
Happy ending for today. He slept pretty good last night. Still a little problem, but he is in HIS hands. 

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