Wednesday, January 08, 2014

I believe te Cottage B is ready to live in.

The last couple of days, we have been trying to get this place ready for the girls to move into. Tim and Elton have been finishing the painting and moving things around, plus cleaning the place up too.The only problem Mark and I had was hitting that water line. You can see it is fixed and the shief and pole are up and ready to to go. Oh the screens frames is what I was working on yesterday. You know have to build the screens and now need to put the screeninng in the frames. It turned out to be a little harder than I thought building the frames. I messured then cut the frame to the size. Then tried to put the frame int the window frame. Not one of them would fit until I had to recut each and every one. Ad least I made them to long. If I cut them short, I don't think they make a stertching machine to make them longer? It was funny at the end. But during building not. The sad thing is it took me all most all day to build them. BUT they fit and I am so happy. 

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