Sunday, January 26, 2014

That right our Single;s group is back.

Last night we had a chance to come together again for a new year. Veda was not sure who was coming? The reason was she told me that no one called to let her know if even we were having singles last night? I guess we all  just think, yes. Even myself, I didn't call her until yesterday morning asking what would you like for me to bring? She asked for pop and ice. No problem. So Kevin and I got there a little earlier than normal. We meet at 6:30pm, we got there at 6:04pm. So we had a chance to get some what caught up a little. Then our people started coming in, one at a time. But at the end we had our normal bunch. It really was nice to see their smiling face again. These guys are real friends and family even. Sometime it is hard to get everyone out at night time. I know myself, just stay home and relax. But I am sure glad we all made a effort to make last night. We watched a movie on Nelson Mandela, Long Walk To Freedom. At first I thought why? But after watching it, it really started getting good. But during the movie, it seemed like every one had some thing to say DURING IT. But in the end we really did enjoy our time. 
If you like to understand more about how the Blacks really tried to get the same freedom as the whites. You will really enjoy this one.
The really freedom we should be looking for is freedom in our Lord Jesus Christ, that is FREEDOM. 
I was watching this movie, thinking how much Nelson was walking with Christ? But in this movie, there was no signs of that. But like Veda was saying last night, this movie was made by a man, maybe he doesn't have  Jesus as his Lord, in his life?

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