Saturday, January 18, 2014

Mr Bob is still welding hi heart out.

Okay on Thursday I was planing on working on the trolley. You know keep taking it apart. During lunch time I was driving over to the Camp. I stalled the truck. Could not get it started again. Okay what wrong NOW. Bob and I towed it back to the Centre. Which that alone was a blessing. Just think if I broke down on the other side of the island. I know not that big of a problem, but I am still blessed by where it did. Bob and I looked and looked. What is the problem? Okay it will turn over then stop and like kick back. Bob was telling me about this sensor on the crankshaft. He was saying that is what controls your timing. So, Bob asked his friends back in Canada, what he thinks. He said the same ting. It sound like the crank shaft sensor. So on Thursday I stater to check it out. Mean while I had a good T shirt on. which you can see how I have good clothes and then not to good. My plan for the day was to tear apart the trolley. I found the part at AID last night. So today will be the real truth. 

Oh during the day I was bus driver too. I took my group to All Saints Camp. There they had a couple of jobs to do. Most of it was clean up around the building and cleaning the bath rooms and areas. 
The next group had a Fun Day at the ALC. Our staff went to go pick up half of the students at Gamber School on the north west side of the island. Then brought them back to the Centre. They spent the day there and then back. So over all this place was jumping. 
Today they go down town and spend sometime sharing the Gospel with the people in town. Plus I think it is a Fun Day for them too. I will drive them there and drop them. Then around 3pm pick them back up. 
My plan for the day is to get my truck back on the road. I think Bob will be right along side on me. Hopefully.

I found out how to get around the Goggle Circle problem on the computer. I just down load them to a file and then drag them over to the file I need to use to share with. I little bit more work getting all the pictures down loaded to the files. BUT it ad least I can get pictures to the blog now. Thank you Lord and help me look towards You every minute of the day. 

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