Sunday, January 26, 2014

That right Scooby's truck is back on the road.

As the day was going by. I took Kevin back to his mom's place, so he could get his jobs done. That way he could spend the night and go with me to Single's. Which it did happen. But while Kevin was cleaning and feeding the animals. Scooby and I went over to Jaws Beach. We got there and only saw a couple of people. The water is cold and there was a cool breeze too. But I ran into a couple of guys that are bird watchers. They have been at our place many times. (ALC) You know to go in back of our property and just walk around and take pictures an just look for different ones. Well yesterday they were out at Jaws Beach. Paul was showing me the different kinds of ducks and even some birds with his telescope. They really were pretty. 
Okay Scooby and I went for a walk and got maybe 1/2 mile and we turned back. He was slowing down. I did want to kill him. Remember he is 91 years old now. That if you figure by dog years. 13 man years. 
Then we stopped at the store for the pop for Single's, just looked up and saw so many planes in the air. I just love looking up and taking in all  that there is. I know sometimes we just keep our heads down and push forward. But as we are getting a little older each day, PLEASE take a minute and just look up and see the clouds and all that He has made for us to look at. 

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