Saturday, January 04, 2014

Okay this board walk is done too.

We use to have a board walk in back that went around the island out there. When Patmos was here a while back. They ripped out the old one. The reason it was not safe for the kids to walk on. You know the boards were rotten. Plus there was foam under the walk way. You know it floated. So back to when Patmos was here. They ripped it out and put a new one only to the tower. They never did finish it all the way to the island. So this last month Scott and his crew, came in and gave us a bid and they won it. If you have seen my blog before, Scott and his crew finished up Cottage B. The inside and out. So I think around the 12th of Dec, Scott started ripping out the old one again and rebuilt it all the way to the island. It really came out nice.

 It is so funny how my boss thinks, he was asking me about the cost of lumber they got. Then he looks back and saids wow Scott made a bundle on this job! It is like any thing we do. I know this young lady, I was talking to her about the flights they were taking. Okay she got this price back a while and bought the tickets. Lets say came to $400.00 each. Okay she goes back and looks again on what tickets are going for now. They are only $350.00. Now she is up set, thinking I should have waited? Okay now if she did, it could have worked out? But maybe it would not have worked out? That is the same I am thinking about this board walk. Oh we could have saved so much more if we just waited? Maybe we could have built it? I am sorry but I try not looking back ans saying I should have? No there is nothing you can do about it. Don't look back and say OH NO. No look forward and say, wow it looks great and I am so glad it is finished. 

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