Saturday, January 11, 2014

I know yesterday was a holiday, Majority Rule Day.

We you can see Tim and myself where working on building book shelves. During our time, I was trying to help and I didn't take any pictures. Tim made a comment, how come no pictures today? I just got wrapped up on helping him. So after that I tried to take his picture. But he told me no, not now. So a couple of times I tried. Oh you can see Bob was with us too. He has been working on build saw horses. You know welding pipe together to be able to hold a around 1000 pounds. So we worked until around 2pm. We did finish one of the book cases. Got it installed and ready to use. We hope on Tuesday to make the other one up. Then put them in and make sure they fit. Then take them back out and have the girls paint them or stain. They should work very well for what we were thinking about. 

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