Sunday, January 19, 2014

Okay we had a little trouble with our large bus yeterday, Solar Bus.

Yesterday morning, I got into the Solar bus and no juice. So we tried to jump it, then put the charger on it. No still would not have enough power to kick it over. So we crammed all the kids into one small bus, the Ocean bus. It was a little tight, but we made it to the fort. I came back and check the battery charger, still charging. Left if alone for now. Looked at it around 2:50 pm, great it is some what charged up. I drove it down town and picked the kids up and it is back here charging some more. 

The second picture a couple of the leaders. Chris,Marty and Pastor Mike. Hey these guys have been part of the mission trip for over the last 8 years I have been here. It is such  blessing to have leaders that are willing to do what ever it takes to make the trip worth while. I heard yesterday our students rocked on sharing God's Word, down town. I really hope and pray that the seeds they spread will take root and one day see their fruit. Thank you Jesus for what you are doing here and with these kids, plus leaders. It such a joy to call these people my friends and family. 

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