Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Okay yesterday Mark and I had a small job to do.

First of all, we went shopping. You go buy some lumber and tings. We got back and started putting up a couple of closet poles, with shelves. Not a big job at all? Well we got the first one done. Looked pretty good. Then the next one we were not sure where the 2X4 were in this one. It had a falsewall. So we drilled a couple of holes to find them. While drilling guess what we found instead? That right the water line that comes into the cottage. It was not that big of a deal to repair, but a pain. It is done and the water is back on. Today I will patch the hole and finish up putting up the shelves. 
Okay guess who is coming in today? That right my old friends the Brownings. They fly in around 1pm. It will be such a joy to have them here. If you don't remember them. Here is a picture of them from their last trip here. It will be so neat to have a partner and some one to talk with. Bob and I have a couple of big jobs to do, but not to big for us. WELCOME BACK HOME AGAIN.

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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

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