Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Yes we are eating again.

Last night was a time to come together and enjoy some tacos. Plus we sat around the table and had a nice chat. Afterwards the Ryans had a chance to share about how and why they are here. They were part of a group that comes here duirng the Summer time, Mission Discovery. Well they came during one of their trip here and helped out at the All Saints Camp. At the time they keep thinking about maybe they should sell every thing they have and move here and serve there? So about three or could be four, years ago, that is what they did. Packed up every thing and move here to the Bahamas. So while they have been here helping out at All Saints Camp, they come over to our property ALC and help us during Tuesday. Like today Tim will be working along side of Bob and myself. Still not sure what we will be working on? There are two more book shelves that Mindy want us to build for the cottage b. You will see what happens tomorrow, God willing. 
The one real neat thing that has happen since they got here. Now they have two children that they adopted from here. That is Shallow and Rachelle. At first they were part of the All Saints Camp, their mommy lived there with them. At the time Tim and Felicia started caring for them. You know taking them to the movies and going out for dinner. Then their mom passed away. So as God worked this all out. Now Tim and Felicia are mommy and daddy. It really is a heart tugging story how God just put every thing in order and now Tim and Felicia are parents. 

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