Friday, January 31, 2014

Okay our plan it to replace this old gate.

If you have been watching this blog, Tim and I built a new gates a while back. Okay if you look this is still the old one. Now as the John Deere is back up and running, we hope next week to replace it. Now in the mean while, the pistons that control the opening and closing are worn out too.  As the time has been going by, I found out on Wednesday you can push the right hand side open so a body can fit through the space. So now I have asked our gate guys to come out and see if we can save the pistons? Mean while Eric loosen the right gates piston. So it is free to open or close by hand. That is why there is this large rock in front of it. That night Eric has to move this rock in front of the gate to keep it shut. Yesterday I cut a peice of board again. And drilled the holes in it and put it up. Now the right side is free to open or close. But the left side it to lock it closed when we have it shut. If you have seen this gate before. I use to have a another board up in the same spot. But as time has it way, The right side closes slower then the left. So the booard would end up on the out side, not like it is now. Hopefuuly today the gate guys will be out and prayerfully we can repair it and not replace he pistons. They cost us $3900.00 for the pair last time, I think? 

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