Saturday, January 04, 2014

Okay I think I am done with bunk beds

These last couple of days I have had to put together some bunk beds. The sad part is, when they were taken apart, no one label them with the parts that go to them. You know, when you build something like this, most of the time not everything lines up the same. The holes don't match, plus there was some parts missing. But as it is today, this room to ready for 16 people. I am not sure if I explained why I am doing all this? Well in the middle of this month and next. We will be having like 94 people staying at the ALC Camp. If you know anything about our place. There are 74 beds ready at all times. Now we have to make sure we have 94 ready for them. These are the students from Calvary Chapel FT Laud. The 8th graders come each year and it seems like there are more and more each year. So ad least we will be ready for them. 
Oh the room I have been working in is one of the cottages A. This one has not been worked on that much. It has a roof and walls and doors. But really nothing else. So it is just a room to sleep in. Oh we do have some lighting. It really is neat to see how we grow each year in all we do here. You can go back and say Thank you Jesus Christ for that. This place runs on life line. 

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