Saturday, July 13, 2013

This was a Antique Car Show here in the Bahamas

These are a couple of the cars I went to check out last Saturday afternoon. Yes these cars are suppose to be from here and I guess stored in peoples garages. The reason I say this is I don't think I have ever seen them on the road here. I know they had to be driven here for the show. But looking at the plates they are all pretty much out dated to drive here.
 It really was a good time to just walk around and remember some old memories. The last picture you see, is a Hudson. It was made by Nash,Rambler and then American Motors. I remember this car very well. I have seen my dad driving something like this when I was very young. My daddy use to sell them. He sold cars American Motors plus Oldsmobile, until the day he retired, (1977)  Plus my grand dad had one too. I am sorry but I did see a year on this one. It was a nice walk down memory lane. This happen last Saturday afternoon. These are a couple of things I miss back in the states. You know the New Car Shows, going to baseball shows and games. You know the big boys games.

Just a note I am doing well and I believe my health is returning. You know how we just take life for granted. I hope and pray that we look back and say thank you to our Lord Jesus Christ for that and please don't forget why He has put us on this earth. It is not about feeling good and doing our own things. It is to bring glory to His Name and everything else will fall into place.
Tomorrow when you are at church or even friends homes afterwards, share His LOVE with them. Praise as this is your last day on this earth. That could really be a eye opener. We are only a breath away.

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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...