Thursday, July 25, 2013

Well we made it to the junk yard yesterday.

If you look at the 5th picture you can see we just made it there. The reason I say that is. During Bob and Faye's last stay here. We needed a leave spring for one of the other buses. I am sorry to say, not sure which one? But by wrapping a chain around the axle and the frame. It did it's job. The cement block fell apart and I saw pieces of it along the road side going back home. Thank you Lord for the save travel. We took the tyres off too. I know they are not the correct size. But Mark is thinking how to save money. Which is a good ting. I didn't think about saving the old tyres. Their size is 10 X 20. The ones that we are using on the buses is 10 X 22.5. Mark and I think if we need a another tyre we can put all four on at once. It  was a lot of work to get them off. But Mark is my boss and I will do what he wants. The area we were working in, was muddy and oily too. So Stephen and I were climbing around in that kind of garbage. At the end we both looked like we were mud wrestling. I should have taken a picture. But I didn't . Oh the picture below is of Stephen, maybe you can see how dirty he was. 

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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...