Thursday, July 11, 2013

Yesterday was our 40 year as a independent nation.

It is so neat how our Lord does things in my life. While I was in the hospital, I saw the new paper for the Independence Day lay out. I really wanted to go buy a paper, but forgot all about it, after I got out. So yesterday I needed to go buy some thing at the store. I saw this and said thank you Lord. The reason I am saying all this is, this paper was from Tuesday, there was only one left on the sleeve. 
Tuesday night we as a nation celebrated our Independence night. Most of the staff went to the park where every thing happens. I have been there a couple of times before. I just didn't feel up to walking around. I stayed home and watch some of it on ZNS our TV station here in the Bahamas. So I just want to share a couple of pictures of the ads that were in the paper the day before. 

Today I will be going back to work. Hopefully I will not do that much, you know something might break down I will need to work on it. I have Steven right there to help out. So I will take it easy for the rest of the week. Relax during the week-end and prayerfully be back in to the swing on Monday morning, Oh that right I need to go back on Monday for a doctors meeting about how I am going through. So hopefully be back to full speed that afternoon.

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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

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