Sunday, October 06, 2013

ALC is making up another web site for our ministry

So I have been taking some pictures of myself to put on it. The sad part is every time I take a picture I look at it and say no. So I thought,why not take one with my best friend. That right Scooby Do. I know ad least I don't look like I am getting older in this shot. The other pictures I have taken. Boy I am looking older. I know I am getting older, but I am not going to give up that easley. Oh plus do you see something missing? That right maybe a clean face will make me look younger? Maybe not.
I am so blessed to call Scooby Do my dog. He use to belong to Pastor Chet. While Pastor Chet and his family lived here in the Bahamas. They had two dogs, Scooby and Gloryla. They took Gloryla back with them. So Scooby needed a home so he has been with me. He is 12 years old. That means he is 84 in dog years. He is a little over weight, so am I. But he has been very loyal and always there for me. It is so neat to come home and he is waiting there at the door. I am very blessed to have him and since Christmas, last year there is Mr Jingles too. He is a cat. If you look back in this blog you wil see some pictures the two of them. They really get along very well.  

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