Monday, October 21, 2013

Sunday, I had a chance to be a tour guide

I am so blessed to be able to show friends and family this beautiful island I live on. Yes on Sunday some friends came in on a ship. Well the main reason they were here was. Dennis the one in the top picture. Yesterday was his 50th birthday. So his wife, Donna, wanted to give him a big surprise. On Friday afternoon. Dennis meet his wife and family members at a restaurant. Then they all piled into a van and got down where the ships come and go out of. They all got on the ship and had a little time with a cruise. Friday afternoon they stopped at a island that the cruise liners owns. Walked around a little. Got back on and came to Nassau. 
Now most of the ships pull in and let their passages off at 10am. Not this one, they got here and was aloud to leave at 8:30am. I did know they were coming, but thought 10am. So I got a call at 8:30am Dennis asking me where am I? I told him sorry but still at home. I got there as soon as I could and picked them up in the van and we went for a ride. I first took them down to the ALC plus Camp. Showed them around there and we started heading towards down town again. Showing them the East side of the island. Then stopped at Subway/Burger King. All had lunch and drove them to the West side now. We got to Gamber, then turned around and came back. They wanted to go back to town and do some shopping. This was around 2pm. Then have to be on the ship by 4:30pm. So that was my day as a tour guide. 
Oh the other people are family members of Dennis side.. Plus Tom Fisher, that is Donna's brother. 
Last picture is Brenda,Donna,Dennis,Tom, Sorry forgot name and Pat. I really think they had a good time, I know I love showing this island off to every one the comes here. Maybe I should retire and become a TOUR GUIDE? Not. I still love what I do at the ALC. 

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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

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