Sunday, October 13, 2013

This was our morning and afternoon time

Folks we were shown many slides and things about what our kids are learning in the school systems. How they are being push to only believe this. But as Christian we have all the answers already. We just don't take the time to look them up. We just say, I BELIEVE MY BIBLE, don't question my believe. Just take my word it is true. 
But the world looks on things like that and said, you don't believe in science? So show them how you believe. Ask them questions about what they believe. How do you prove what you believe? You have their attention. Don't just sit there and say I don't know!
Throw the ball back into their court. Keep asking them questions by listening to their answers. Then ask them again how can you believe this? You have more faith than I DO. 
The card you see above is Jay's card. He has a web site, plus other information that is very helpful. if you get caught off guard. Please take the time and look at his site. I really think you will be really shocked to see how easy it is to have the correct answers. Plus this will help our brothers and sisters that feel they don't know. Please the next time you get a chance to talk with someone about Creation/Evolution. Please listen to their questions. 
I really hope and pray this will help us Christians answer the world questions. 
Please take the time to read your Bible and just trust HIM, for what you need at the time. The Holy Spirit is with us, there is nothing in this world that can harm us.

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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...