Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sorry no pictures today.

Well yesterday started out like a normal day. Looking around at all the tings I need to go out and buy. Pus pick up a part I dropped off last Friday. Tim Ryan gave me a call and asked if I could look at his brakes on the Chevy truck? No problem, he stopped by and we took off the front passage wheel. Found out the brakes pads were all the way down to the metal. So he came a long  to buy his pads. As out and about, like I said nothing really happen. Until we got back and found out one of the blots on the driver front side was missing. Okay how does that happen? Like I was telling Tim, sometimes we get distracted and thinking we tighten the bolt. Or maybe the way the roads are around here, a lot of pot holes and just rough ones too. But the blot was not there. Okay back out to try to find a 9 MM. We found out that all most every one on this island carries 8 or 10 MM. No one has a 9 MM. I asked a coule of guys that were in Albury's Auto part store, why? They told us that it is not something most trucks or cars use. So we ended up at the Chev dealership. They had it, one bolt 1 1/4 long 9 mm cost $8.75. Wow but they had it. So now we went and picked up Tim's kids from school (3 pm). Got back and fit it and every one is happy again. I repaired the lawn mower that I picked up the part for. So that was our day.
Today is check out the buses. The Solar bus must have a radiator leak. The last couple of times they used it, it needed fluid. The Toyota van brakes are making noise too. So I guess today we will see what happens.

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