Monday, October 14, 2013

Driving home from Kevin's mom's house.

Look at that sky line? I saw that and wow. 
The pictures you are looking at are on a road called JFK. These new high ways have been so nice to drive on. Sometimes I think I am back in the states. Just look I am going 50 miles a hour. Most times driving around here the high speed is around 25mph
I am very blessed to call this place my home. The red stuff you see on my hood is primmer. I have been trying to clean up the truck and get it ready to spray paint it. I just have not taken the time to finish that one project up. I look at it each day and say, one of these days . The real reason is every time I use my truck to carry stuff I am think if it was painted I would not want to use my truck for any thing. Afraid it will get damaged. You know, scratched or even chip the paint. I know it is only a truck. I will get to it one day. 

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