Saturday, October 12, 2013

Thats right you see the big BEC truck?

Well yesterday around lunch time. I came back home to get something to eat. I see this big truck in the yard here. Okay that is great. We will get all the power we need to run this place now? NOT. These guys are here to just pull the wire up and hang it there until next week. Yes they have to come back and hook it up. The reason they could not do it yesterday was. They needed more men to stand around and just watch. No I was told they needed a foreman to make sure all is done well. Plus they will have to shut down the power and have guys to make sure it is off correctly. Hopefully by Tuesday they will come back and hook it up. The reason not on Monday? That day is one of our holidays here. They call it Hero's Day. Which back in the states it is Columbus Day. The Bahamian people have trouble with Columbus. They knew him as a slave master and I can understand that. So now this day is set aside to Honor all the people that have done so many thing s to make this nation what it is today. Hey if you know any thing about us at the ALC. This day is usually one of out FUN DAYS. Not this year. the reason is we just had  Fun day the third Saturday of Sept. That was our 20th Anniversary Fun Day. 

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