Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Tim and I really am trying to get something done today?

A couple of weeks ago, Sean was cutting the grass in the back area. Which was talked about before. Not to use the new mower. But He thought it would be okay. What happen was while he was cutting , I noticed blue smoke coming out of the exhaust. So I asked him to stop the mower. Well I first check to see if someone put mixed oil/gas. That was not the problem. I pulled the spark plug out. Full of oil. Engine shot. So yesterday the guys came to cut the grass. We only have one mower now. So there is one more mower that runs but the body and wheels are coming off of it. Plus the cutting blade was broken. The pins that hold the blade in place were sheared off. So we went out and found some harden bolts. Then Tim said, why not take this engine off of this one and put it on the new mower? Why not try it? So one of the bolts that hold the engine on were stripped. Tim had to cut the bolt off with the grinder. Mean while we tried to knock it out. We cracked the engine bottom. So now what do we do? I will try today to take it over to the small engine shop and ask if they can repair the engine so we get one more mower to work? 
Another project we tired. 

The pump above is running but not building pressure. so Tim asked if we could try to ad least build up some water for the R.O. unit? Let us try. So we noticed the water was filling up on the R.O. unit. That was great. Tim and I left to go get some parts. I had Tim call Mark and asked him to go out and look at the pump. Mark told me that it got really hot. Plus now it leaks. So we got about 11 bottles of water out of the R.O. unit. But now what do we do? As we were out, I asked for some prices on new pumps. 1/2 horse was $375.00, 3/4 horse was $525.00. I guess today I will be buying a new pump. Lord I really am trying to save us money. The green pump I found in the shed. It doesn't work ether. These pumps are really getting on my nerves. 

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