Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Right after I flew in, Edison came and picked me up.

This is the ministry that these two do each week. They come into the schools and do some singing and teaching God's Word and then there is crafts. This day we went to two different schools. I am sorry but I am not sure of the grades. I think the first pictures are 1 to 5grade. Now these children are part of all the grades. Just say, like the first pictures, there was 2 children in 1st graders, then three second graders, and so on. Then the next set of pictures are the older ones. 6 to 8 grade, maybe? 
But you can see the fun they had to made these flying birds. It really was a little harder for the younger ones. But they got them done and look great. I just helped out with giving out the stuff and gluing and just helping them out. It really was some fun to see the end and the looks on their faces was worth the trip alone.
 From here we went back to their home and relaxed a little. 
Now if you have ever look at this blog at any time, you could see I never do this at night time. I am so far behind getting all these pictures into my blog. So tomorrow I should be caught up and you can see what happens the day after it happens. 
Remember while I was over in Cat Island I didn't have any inter net. Now Eunice uses her Sim card out of her phone. I just thought I could do it when I got back. Which I did. Good night now. Talk with you tomorrow, God willing. 

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