Wednesday, October 16, 2013

That right we are starting another project

Okay our front gate has been in service for many years. If you have seen it, it looks great from a far. But if you really look you will see there is a lot of wood damage. So for a while now, I have been looking at different kinds of gates to replace it. I have looked at vinyl and aluminum and even steel. But as Mark and I have talked about it. The best way to replace it is with the same kind. As it stands now. 
I have spent around $700.00 for the lumber. Then as to replace the hinges and L brackets that support it. I have asked for a couple of prices on them. Have not heard back as of today. But it sure would be nice to replace them too. Why rebuild a brand new gate with out replacing them? 
Okay yesterday Tim and I worked on rebuilding the top part. Which we both believe would have been the hardness to do. At the end of yesterday, I really think we did good. So as it goes, next week I will not be in town,(Cat Island) so Tim can pretty much be able to handle this himself.
 Okay, now I have a question. One of the boards had red stuff on the inside? Not sure where that came from? Now I know I have seen the paint come off of the blade that you are using. But these blades are not painted. It was only one board too. It was harder too to cut through. Oh well. this part is done. Now we will see what happens next week. 

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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...