Friday, October 18, 2013

Okay guess what is down now?

If you answered the train, You are correct. Yes the lug bolts on the rear tyre have been breaking. The real sad part is, I was told about two weeks ago or more. Sam one of our staff, said there is this loud banging sound on the train. I looked it over and found a lot of loose parts hanging. So I repaired them with L brackets and what ever else I could find to make it fixed. Okay yesterday the kids were on the train and Sean looked and said something is wrong on the rear wheel. He got me and told me what he saw. I stopped the train and found out only two lugs were holding the trye on. Shut it down I told the girls. I am sorry but the train is down for a while. 
Now looking at it, I got the large hammer out and whaled on it. Trying to knock the broke lugs out. No way. So the torch was next. heated the area up as hot as I could. Still not moving. Okay now what next. Got the grinder out and cut the heads off of the bolts. Now heat is up. Okay got five of the six out. That last one would not move. I even had Mark and Eric tired to hit it out. So right now we only have five bolts holding the tyre on. That is okay. The other side is the same, five blots. Remember we are only going around the property and at very low speed, 3 to 5 miles a hour. 
Okay now while up I looked under the cassey. Not looking to good. rust here and there, plus pieces falling off, rust.

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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

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