Sunday, October 06, 2013

What you can find on a computer?

Last night I was sitting around and watched Pastor Bob. While watching him the site kept on bluffing. I think our cable company has some problems. So I had to keep coming back to this site.  I never knew about the map of who is watching him. I really think this is neat. Hey look you can see me in the Bahamas, the little red dot. Plus look at the world itself. Now last night there were only 854 watching. But during today (Sunday) those number will be a lot higher. The reason is some people think just watching his sermon is enough. But if you know anything about Calvary. Pastor Bob knows there are people that can not make it out to service. But the ones that can, you should go to the church. It is called fellow shipping. Every one needs to talk and have that fellowship. That is what makes a church. 
Pastor Bob has been my Senor Pastor since 1996. So while I have been living here in the Bahamas since 2005, I try each week-end to watch his sermon. He is going through the Book of Luke. Last night he was in Chapter #4. It was about temptation. When ever you or me are temped, God has always given us a way out. The sad part is we or I don't always take it. 
I just love the inter net, but miss the people very much. I do go to church here. It is called Calvary Bible. I have been very bless to call them my family. So please if you don't get out to church, please try to. We all need those hugs and just talking with others. Fellowship is how He made us and we all need that. 
Here is a short story. Okay think about a fire. Now look into it. You see pieces of wood burning. Okay now take one of the pieces out and lay it out side of the fire. What will happen? That right is will burn out and dead. That is how the word fellow shipping is so important in our Christian lives. We all need it. 

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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...