Saturday, August 03, 2013

I have sad news, our fairy new pressure washer stopped working a couple of days ago. (August 2012)

My man Stephen is on top of it. He stared taking the pump apart. He was thinking maybe some dirt or something got into the pump itself. But sad to say, that is not the problem. It looks like the small little springs that control the water flow are broken up. The reason is when Stephen took it apart, he fond pieces of them inside. So yesterday I got on line and looked up dealer in Florida. I called them. they told me that the pump is under three year warrant. Plus she gave me a guys name and phone number in Pompano Beach. It is A1A Small Engines. I have bought many parts from him before. I tried calling him yesterday. But he told me that he could not hear me that good So I will try again today. Just to see if I have someone bring the pump to him. Will he repair it? That is my prayer. We really need this pressure washer. It has saved us many hours of labor and it does such a good job too. I will keep you posted. 

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