Wednesday, August 29, 2007

This Calvary group went beyond their calling

If you read the story below the picture you will see how I talked about a out reach we did at Pinewood Park. Well there was two guys that Pastor Billy was talking with, ask them if they would like to spend Sunday with them. They both agreed and we went to talk with their mom's, it was okay with them. Well they stayed all day Sunday and Monday with us. I am sorry to say I only remember one of their names, Neko and we will call the other one Charlie. They just seemed like they fit right in with us and everyone just loved them. Okay now some God stories, first of all we went to Cabbage Beach on Sunday all day. When we were getting ready to go. Pastor Billy asked them if they would like to get Baptized? They both said sure. Monday was a day we spent with Unity House, in the morning. Then we went to Ranfurly Orphan Home. Spent the afternoon there. It was a day of ministry to all. We got back to the Camp late. Ate diner and after that we had some nice time of thanking each other, for this last week. Now there was a woman that was suppose to meet me around 5pm. She called we three times to change to time to meet. This is the kicker. She came and I showed her and her daughter around. While doing that I just asked her about what her group was going to be doing this Friday night here? She told me that it was going to be a Lock In. Which means kids all over here. Playing and praying and what ever the leaders want. So I ask what church she was from. Pinewood Church. Guess what that is in Neko and Charlie neighborhood. So we hooked them up with her and I asked her if she could give them a ride home. No Problem. God you are so good. Just think if she came at 5pm like she was planning, she would have missed the boys and God's plain wouldn't happen. I know if that happen He would have something else. But Please understand this is ALL about HIM. What is the odds that would all work out, if it was not Him.I need to get going now. Talk with you later on.

This is Calvary Chapel of Orange Contry

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Good Sunday mornng to all,

Hey I have a group in now that is so much on fire for our Lord. Each morning and night they are around a our camp fire area and Pastor Billy is sharing the Word with them. I have been watching how they act for each other and I do see God in each of their lives. They are walking Christians and showing the world here their walk. Yesterday was a day to get the neighbor together and just have a lot of fun and games. They played (real) football, basketball and all kinds of things. Eddy and I were in charge of the hot dogs and cooking. Eddy really enjoyed serving the kids and he told some jokes and you know what all the things you can do with kids. It was a day we can say we did God's will. There was about 35 to 45 kids there all day long. Pastor Billy did give a message and it was short one. If you know Billy he can really talk about the Lord for a LOOOOOONG time. That is good. But these kids just came for food and games so the time about the Word was short. Pastor Billy gave a time for them to give their lives to Jesus and almost every kids raised their hands. So is so gooooood to see God at work and seeing His fruit. I am asking for prayer for tomorrow. They are going to a orphans home called Ranfurly and the kids there proclaim to be Christians but I ever see fruit there. So please keep them in prayer tomorrow and we will see fruit. Thank you for your prayers for me and all here at the ALC.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Pastor Joesph and family.

Good day all.

I would like to say thank you to the last group that was here and to show you a picture of the pastor and his family. This group ACMC. They really did their share of work and Ministry on this island. I saw each day how the kids looked forward in seeing them and their response going there. This group could really relate to them reason they are all from a Haitian back ground. They could speak to them and just have a lot of fun. So if you see any one from this group that live in Canada. Please send our love to them and maybe next year they will be back. I need to get going now, Talk with you later on. Bye.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Hey the group that has been here since Saturday, the ones in the picture below. Well yesterday they went over to a place called the Children's Emergency Hostel. This place is where children come while the parents are having trouble at home with, what ever it is. It is like a foster home. Yesterday there was 32 kids and all of this group played with them and just had some fun. Plus they cleaned up the yard. The real neat thing is that I want to share is they all came together and prayed and ask each other to give in the kitty some money. They raised $563.00 So now the kids can have new shoes and some new clothes. I love this ministry our Lord has given me. Just to see the fruit. Talk with you later on.

Sometimes God said NO, That is for you to grow in Him.

God Said No

I asked God to take away my habit.
God said, No.
It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.
God said, No.
His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary
I asked God to grant me patience.
God said, No
.Patience is a byproduct of tribulations;
it isn't granted, it is learned.
I asked God to give me happiness.
God said, No.
I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you.
I asked God to spare me pain.
God said, No.Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares
and brings you closer to me.
I asked God to make my spirit grow.
God said, No.
You must grow on your own! ,
but I will prune you to make you fruitful.
I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life.
God said, No.
I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things.
I asked God to help me LOVE others, as much as He loves me.
God said...Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.

Monday, August 13, 2007

They are from Alliance Chretienne et Missionnaire Church.

Hello again, long time no talk.

Hey it is hard to believe but one group leaves and another one a piers. These folks are from Montreal, Canada. Their main stay is for one (1) week. They are helping out at one of our local churches. The name is Carmichael Evangelical Church, one of the group leaders is a daughter of the Pastor here. Her name is Nelly and his is Pastor Joseph. We went to his church yesterday for service, I stayed and tried to understand all that was going on. One of men came along side me and explained what was going on, plus where they were in the Bible too. The songs I knew from my church here, Calvary Bible. Same music but differ words. It sure was fun, then that night we all came back for youth meeting. It turned out having differ people sing their own songs. I was waiting on them to ask me, but they didn't. I was going to sing JOY, Joy Joy, down in my heart. Oh well we left there around 8pm. This morning I dropped them off at 9am and they were going to work with the children there and paint the church. i just got a call to go pick them up and take then to the beach. So i need to get going now. Talk with you later on. Bye, Tom.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

These are the student that did the work below. GREAT JOB

I have been really busy, sorry for not writting.

It really has been an enjoyable time this last week. We had in a group from Christ American Bapt. Church. (PA).These students were so good and wonderful. They had two big jobs to work on. The first was helping pour cement into columns on this new home that Mission Discover started last year. The family that owns the house is a friend of ours, Anna and family. Her daughter works at our place Adventure Learning Centre. Her name is Elsie. Well this house started out with nothing at all. Now there is plumping and pipe for eclectic. All four walls are up and like I said before the columns are poured now. So the next group that is willing to take on a project, they can pour the top part.

Okay that is the first project. The next was at Unity House. Remember, our church, (Calvary Bible) took on replacing part of the roof over the area where they sit all day. This group took on the dinning hall area. That was 19 feet by 23 feet. They had to rip out all of the plywood and singles plus some cross members. Then put on new plywood and then tar paper. So if it rained during the night it would not leak. It was a real battle during that day. It did rain that day three times. Matt was telling me how a couple of times they even got a shock from the electric saw. They got that done on Thursday by 7pm. Then on Friday they had to finish putting all the singles and piecing it together. It was all about our Lord helping with the weather and the strengthen they needed to get it done. It is finished and looks great. I will have pictures next time showing the roof. Well this group is on their way back home now and I get a chance to relax a little. Monday is Fun Day for us at ALC. The theme is Water Works. Everyone that comes as a squirt gun. It is a great day to get soaked and just having some fun. I know this was a long note. But I believe it is worth the time to read it. May our Lord bless your day.

I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

It has been a while since I have trimmed and cleaned out her gutters too.  Oh, the reason I am here now is because Jeanne and her sisters pl...