Sunday, October 13, 2024

I got a call from Wayne and Lynn, need me to come over and set up their generator.

As I was driving down Kings Highway. This is at Angle Road. This is the road that Westwood High School is on the east side. Now I can understand why they lost their electricity. I wrote about that yesterday. 

This is a landmark. Big Al's Red Barn Store. 

This is still Al's 

I am heading north on Kings Highway. You can see that the tornado ran thru here. 

My friend Roy use to buy his lottery tickets here. I guess they are packing up and moving on. This was a Citgo Gas Station. I guess they are draining the gas out of the tanks. 

This is the Lakewood Park Methodist Church. They just put this new roof on last year. 

As I drove up to the entrance to Spanish Lakes Country Club Village, I was stopped by PSL Sheriff. Asking do I live here? No, told him that one of my customer's called and ask me to help him set up his generator. I am not really sure what this was. I think this was a mobile home. 

As I was driving around, I just got so overwhelmed. I was just so much damage. Plus, I even got lost.
 I had to pull over and get out Google Maps. Almost all street signs were gone. 
I got over to Wayne's home. We talked a little to see what has happen. Then went inside and rolled out their generator. Big their unit is 10,000 watts. This could run two homes or more. Hey, they got this about two or three years ago. The reason I know this is I put it all together and didn't start it up. The reason was built inside their house. Wayne told me that when we need it will be ready. I rolled it outside in front of their house. Meanwhile a guy (Jason) came over to see if he could help us. He works for FPUA (Water Department). I had him read the manual to see how much oil we need to put into the generator. I and him could not see that at all. I just started pouring the oil in and watched to make sure it didn't overflow. It took the whole quart. Hooked up the battery and tried it and the battery was dead. I pulled the rope starter, and it took a few pulls. It started up and even ran well. 
I bought two larger extension cords with me. I ran them out and got them in place where they wanted the cords at. I left them with lights, TV, Inernet, freeze and refrigerator. They are all set for a while. 
I left there and stopped at Roy's home. They must have gone out to dinner. 
Talked with a neighbor Vince and he told me that they were okay. 
I started home, thinking about the Crossing Community Church, I drove there and saw a couple of guys out front, I saw a sign saying free meals. I asked one of the guys there, is everything okay here? 
He told me yes. I saw the hurricane shutters were down. I guess they are ready for church today. 

This is Lawnwood Elementary School, across street from the church. I guess this is one of the power companies parking lots. 
Well, folks as I drove away, I just said THANK YOU FOR YOUR GRACE TO KEEP US SAFE. 
I read this morning 1 Timothy 2:3-6 This is good and pleases God our Savor, for he wants everyone to be saved and understand. (4) For there is only one God and one Meditator who can reconcile God and people. He is the man Christ Jesus, (6) He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message that God gave to the world at the proper time.

I am still asking for prayers for all the folks that are still without power and water. 
Remember these folks are retired and might not have family to help them. 
Then looking on to the home destroyed where are they to go? 
I heard this morning on Facebook, that Wynn's (owners of the park) meet at the club house yesterday at 1pm. They went over some paperwork about if you lost your home you need to release back to the park, and they are selling their home at a discount to people. 


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I got a call from Wayne and Lynn, need me to come over and set up their generator.

As I was driving down Kings Highway. This is at Angle Road. This is the road that Westwood High School is on the east side. Now I can unders...