Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I just want everyone to understand

As I am writing this, I will be loosing my old e mail address toms@alcbahamas.org
The reason I am telling you all this is, I don't want to loose our contact.
I am now at


Like I said I just love you all and want to make sure you all know. I was thinking about writing everyone, but that really is not real. 
There are people I have not talked to for a while or so, just really trying to not loose any one. 
I love you guys and look forward in hearing from you too. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

This is a date ting.

I am not sure when BUT I will be loosing my e mail address from Adventure Learning Centre

this next month, sometime? The reason I am writing about this is. I still love to hear from you all and I would love if you could pass this on to your friends that I might have a tie with.


I am using this address starting today to write to folks and everyone I can think of. 

I will be start working at Calvary Chapel this Wednesday afternoon. So as I get more information about my job there, I know I will have anther e mail address too. But as for now,
PLEASE use this address above, tombahams7@gamil.com

I sure am praying about all that has been going on in my life during these three months, which is a lot. So please if you think about me, PLEASE say a prayer or two. I sure would appreciate your prayers and thoughts. Thank you again.

Our Lord sure makes some beautiful sunrises.

This is driving back for up north Boca area. Folks when was the last time you looked up and saw the art work? 

These are some great servants that have been part of this ministry for many years. As you look you can see we are moving beds around. There was a men's retreat this last week-end, so as the week-end winds down everything has to be put back into the trailer and make sure it is ready for the next retreat. During this week-end I had a chance to reconnect with some old and new friends. I was very much part of this group for many years. In 1997 I had a chance to go to one of these retreats and my life as not been the same since. That is a good thing. 

These are only a couple of the parking guys. I really wanted to get them all together, but as the day was flying by, it never happen. The guy on the right, he is Jon Bunch. He has been doing this ever since I left. The reason I can say all that is, I am the one that asked him to come aboard and over see the parking ministry. Which he has been very faithful for these last 9 years. During Sunday morning I had a chance to get some what caught up on all that he has been going through and even seeing some old friends too. 
As of this Wednesday coming I will be part of the Calvary Chapel teem again. Today I am hoping to get all my paper work start and be able to start working. It really as been a beautiful journey. The reason I say this is our Lord has been very much part of me coming back here to Fort Lauderdale. Plus the chance to come and do my old job too. Back in 1999 I was hired to do ministry set up and break down. guess what i am doing now? That right the same job. But I have been told that there is many more helping hands to get the job done. Back when I was doing this, there were only a few guys to help out. But I guess now there is a team that pretty much do it all. 
My boss is Scott, before I left to go on the mission field I had a chance to work along side him with Parking. He came out and volunteered doing that for many months. Now he is going to be my over seer. That is really neat.  

Saturday, September 27, 2014

I know I am a day behind. BUSY STUFF

This the sunrise I saw on Thursday morning doing my devotion time, Beautiful. 

These are our Wet Lands. Thursday morning Jen thought we should come out here and do our devotions here. The reason is on Wednesday morning Mark told us that we will be loosing some of this land to our neighbors next store. By the marking that Eric and Mark found, this area will not be touched. But there will be a large building next to us out here. It will take away the Wet Lands look. But our Lord knew this would happens and as of now, We are still praying about saving this land. The reason is, the staff bring the students out here and explain all about the different groves. You know Red,White and I know there is another one. Like I said, He is running the show and let us se what happens. Please if you would say a prayer or two about this?

These our staff, Sam,Tim,Jody,Sam 2,Sean,Teka, Jen,Patrick,Mark,Megan,Kevin (visiting) and Eric all the way on the right. 

That right Mr Kevin is painting some more chair parts. I sure am going to miss him. But there will be a next time, down the road, prayerfully.

This is Scooby 2. He lives at the All saints Camp. hey if I could I would bring him back and he could live with me. He is very friendly. Maybe a little more than people like. he loves to play and jump up on people. But he still a good egg in my eyes. I miss my Scooby very much.

This is the Prime Minster Car. See the big P.M.? Tim Ryan was telling me that he heard Perry Christie was flying back form New York that morning. That is why he his car is waiting there. I didn't see him in the airport. 

You see these shirt here? They are $25.00 each. Hey you go to this store, I go to. The same shirt sell for $6.00 each. 

See the key chains, $6.95? I just bought 12 of them for $6.00. 12.

Now the T shirts I got were the cheap one. You know the ones you give to your kids and say SEE I thought of you on my trip. You get 6 of them for $12.00.

That is right, I use the Tri Rail again. I just love this, You park your car or truck in their parking lot. It stay there. Safe and FREE. You pay $5.00 for a ride to the airport. Then coming back, the same $5.00. Plus my truck was there. No problem at all. 

Yesterday morning I went to the Men's Bible study at Calvary Chapel. It was a open form. This way guys could take a 5x8 card and write their questions on any thing they might think of, that is to do with men,family or the Bible. It really was enjoyable. There was a couple of questions that even hit me. You know makes you think. Plus had some good talk with the guys around the room. It is funny how I have been gone for these many years and there is still men I know from before, 
I did have to much coffee, I went over to see old friend that works there. As I was talking with him, I was rambing on and on. Just walked away and thought about how I talked to him. He must of thought wow he has problems. That is me, It is funny how coffee makes me so jumpy. I will write to him this morning and explain. I hope he understands?  

This is in Nassau. 


Folks I just love Nassau and here. I am happy to be back. 
Hope you all are well and I love you guys 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

By the hard work of one man. Thank you Tim Ryan. You are the MAN.

As my time here is winding down. Really was looking to finish this roof before I left Thursday. Tim and Patrick made it happen. I did a little of the cutting the capping and just making sure it was a clean area around the gazebo. It looks great. I just love to see work projects get done and done right. This roof will last longer than the building itself, I think. Very well done, guys. 

Here my son is putting some Thompson Water Sealer on the walk way. Remember yesterday he pressured washed it? 

As our day was winding down. The young ladies that will be the staff during this Fall term. They were rehearsing the puppet skit. They all did a wonderful job. 

Well folks as I write this blog this morning, I really have been thinking about all the good times I have had here at the ALC. Plus all the families I have been part of since I got here in 2005. As my time is getting closer to my flight toady, I really love this place.
My prayer for here is that Patrick and Bob will keep this place running. we all know it is by His grace this place is still here. 
I walked around and was thinking about the train, how many children have been on it and how long more will it keep running? 
The staff that has been here and gone. Like I said, I have seen many come and go and I have been blessed for the ones that come and help us here. 
As you keep watching my blog, I am not sure when the next time I will be able to fly over and help out? The reason is I have another inter view on Monday. What this is all about is, I am looking to go back to work. Not sure at what and where, yet? But I still many years to give to the work force and to keep me sharp. Folks if you have seen my blog when I first got back to Fort Lauderdale, I was BORED. I need to have some thing to do and why not make money doing it? 
Say a prayer for a friend of mine back in Florida, today she is having some wisdom teeth pulled at 2 pm. 
Let us see what is next in HIS PLAN????? 
I love you all and let take a ride, with Him. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Look at these beautiful trees. Colored trees, it really is the leaves. But is that not a wonderful site? I love Fall and walking around the fallen leaves and just the little chill in the air. Get the sweat pants on and walk.
This is a shot that Harri sent me last night night. Thank you sir. 

Okay we have a full crew today.

Tim and Patrick started putting the felt paper on the top roof. They seemed to work well together. 

Mean while Kevin and I repaired a 2" water pipe. It was so nice to walk over and just do the repair. Sean and the guys dug the pipe up and got it ready for us. 

Now you can see these guys putting the singles on and looking good. 

In the duck pond, there were two holes in the rubber. Not sure why, but Kevin and I sanded the rubber down and put the glue and patches on. It should hold for another year or two. 

That is right, LUNCH TIME. Hey I called Billy and asked if he would like to join us. Love to, he saids. Today is Wendy's. I really wanted to try the New Burger King down the road, but the vote was for Wendy's. I was also told there is a only a couple of tables there to sit at. Most the people come and go, Take Away place.

The top is done. Now starting the bottom roof. As Kevin and I got our couple of jobs done. I helped out on the roof. Kevin used the pressure washer on the walk way going to the Media Centre. It had mildew and just looking rough, bird droppings. 

As we were leaving to go back home, Kevin thought of Mindy. he told me that she loves getting flowers. So as Kevin STOLD them, I have a picture to prove where he got them. I love this kid and just enjoy having fun with him. He makes me laugh and if you know me I love to laugh. 
Today is finishing up roof and maybe work on the bridge next? 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

This is a friend of mine, that lives in the Bahamas.

Mr Harrison and his lovely wife Carol are up in Ten area. That is where one of their children live. So while up that way, Harri has been sending me some pictures of all that is going on. 

I guess he saw this bus and thought, I have seen other buses painted like this before? Where? Oh that right ALC has those kind of buses too.

You can it is almost Halloween time. Pumpkins every where. But wow , $5.00 for that small one? That looks like a price from around here? The Bahamas? 

What a beautiful place to live and stay. Plus he was telling me the temp are down in the 40's at night time. That is a little to chilly for me. 
I just love when people share pictures with me, then I share some with you guys out there. Thank you Mr Harri and Carol. Enjoy the cool air? 

Jeanne saw this place and had to stop.

This restaurant in on Rt. 60 heading from 95 to downtown Vero Beach. Autumn's Crab .  Walked in and sat down. Really kind of quiet for b...