Tuesday, March 31, 2015

This is a devotion that Calvary has been handing out for this week we are in.

This small devotional is for us to reflex on what happen the week Jesus came to Jerusalem for the Passover time. By reading this you can see how and why He did what He did. First Pastor Doug is asking all of us staff and folks that go to Calvary. To FAST. Now read the about what he is saying here. It don't have to be about food. You can fast from anything that takes time from away HIM. 
Everyday are we taking some time to reflex on His Word? I know I fall short. So please read the pages above and go deeper into His Word this week. 
There is even a devotion for the children to read and walk away knowing Him better. 

Oh there is one thing I forgot to share yesterday. As for services at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale,Florida this week are.
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
12:30 PM
There will not be any child care during those services on Easter Sunday.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Our over seers have a plan for EASTER WEEK-END.

Okay you might say what are you talking about? Well this next week is one of our craziest time of the year. It is Easter Week-end. That means busy and we need to be ready for what ever happens. Back a while ago we use to have what they call Stadium Services. That meant we rent like Pro Players Stadium. That is where the Dolphin's Foot ball team play at. That would mean all we need was some help parking and make sure we had enough Greeters to help seat the people. We would get around 20,000, plus.
But as it is going to be home at Calvary. That is where do we put everyone? So as it is planned out. Fist fill the sanctuary (3625). Then direct the people to the Theater (800) on the west side. Then to the Banquet rooms (1000), Meeting Room #1 and #2 (120 each). Auditorium (170) and Chapel (130). Now on the east side, send every one to the High School Rooms plus Attic (800). Then the main gym (800). We still have the Grill and Cafe too (250). 
As it stands now we are looking at about 7000. people showing up at the 8:30 service.
Oh I forgot we will be using the Turf area too. That is where you can bring your blanket and watch the service on a Jumbo Tron. There should be enough room for about 1000 people in that area alone. 
Time will tell what happens. 
So on Good Friday we will be getting each and every room ready for Sunday. We will have a test on Good Friday with the Theater will be used then. Maybe even a couple of other rooms. 
Please say a prayer or two. This is like our Super Bowl. Plus we are looking at 100 of people giving their lives to Jesus that day. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

This is a celebration of a man becoming a Pastor

Pastor Doug started the ceremony with prayer and then called up Pastor Fred to say a couple of words about his friend and coworker Bill Shots. It really was funny and good to hear about how Bill sits with students each day and just loves on them. Pastor Fred was telling us it was a personal time every one he sat with. Plus Bill always used God's Word to go back to. 

His is Pastor Fred.

This gentlemen is a Pastor from another church. I am sorry but I didn't get his name. But he talked about how Bill was always seeking God's Word when they sat down and had their talks together.

This is Bill's family. He has a son and daughter and his lovely wife too. Didn't get they names.

This man I am talking about is Bill Shots. I have known him since he started working here at Calvary. Which was back in 2001? He started out as a baseball coach. Then became a teacher during that time. 

These are the pastor that were there to pray over him and welcome him to the family of Pastors. 
Our church has many pastors, but Bill is going to rock this place even more. His has a calling on his life that I have seen for many years and really look forward in seeing what God is going to do with him. I am very blessed to call him a friend and co worker here. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

This are pictures or posters of your spine.

This is the one that my doctor used to show what stage my neck is in. I am Phase #4. by looking at it, it really makes you think, WOW. I am really in trouble. How do you make it better? 

Well by what I was told, I need to keep coming back and getting my spine back into alignment. So I have been there about 7 times. 
My doctor showed me on the third time there, other ways to start helping my body not hurt so much. Stretching and using ice on the lower back. Well I can tell you this. This really does the trick. After doing the stretching, my whole body feels great. I can go to work and really doesn't hurt at all. Then get home and put ice on the lower area and get into bed and sleep good and get up and do it again. Over all I really think this is the way to go for now. As I look back about the adjustments, I really don't think they are helping. So this next week I will do my stretching and ice and see what happens. 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Have you ever just punched in you full name and see what comes up?

                                                     Not sure who Thomas B Schafer is?

You might be surprised what you find out. I didn't go any farther, the reason is cost money. Hard to believe? Not really. The funny thing is they know of my second wife, where is my first one? They even knew about me living back when I was a much younger. 
Just for the fun of it, check it out.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

He Loves YOU very much

You are precious in His sight. Today… yes, right now!
I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:16-19
Father in Heaven,
What wonderful understanding Your word gives me. Today I ask that You would give me strength in my inner being. Thank you that You reach out to strengthen me from Your vast store of riches. Help me to remember that today I have the living Christ dwelling within me. Remind me that this is my Source today in all I need to do or face.
Lord God, help me today to grasp how very much You love me. Help me to see in fresh ways how I am grounded by that love and rooted in it as a sure anchor for my life. Help me to believe it! What a heritage I share with other believers… this wonder of Your equipping love in my life. How we need to remind each other of this strengthening power that we have access to through Your Spirit.
Today when I am tempted to fall into thinking thoughts that drag me down, remind me of this rich love that You pour over me and into my life. Remind me, by Your Spirit, that this love is wider and longer and higher and deeper than I can ever imagine. Let me feel wrapped and encased in that love today. Help me to grasp this truth when I am tempted to feel less because of my own limited abilities or resources or circumstances.
Father, thank you that growing in this understanding of the riches of Your love will fill me up with a fullness and a completeness that can come from nothing else. Set me on a journey today to reply on You in every detail of my life. Let me live in the fullness of Your love today like never before. I ask this in the powerful name of Jesus with thanksgiving. Amen.
Question: Do you find it easy or hard to accept how much God loves you? How does His love change the way you face the day?

Thank you Betty for a wonderful devotion about His love for us. We only need to call on Him. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Christian One Liners

It is easier to preach ten sermons
Than it is to live one. 

The good Lord didn't create anything without a purpose,
But mosquitoes come close.


When you get to your wit's end,
You'll find God lives there.


People are funny; they want the front of the bus,
Middle of the road,
And back of the church.


Opportunity may knock once,
But temptation bangs on the front door forever.

Quit griping about your church;
If it was perfect, you couldn't belong.

If a church wants a better pastor,
It only needs to pray for the one it has.

We're called to be witnesses, not lawyers or Judges. 


God Himself doesn't propose to judge a man until
He is dead. So why should you?

Some minds are like concrete
Thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.


Peace starts with a smile.


I don't know why some people change churches;
What difference does it make which one you stay home from? 


Be ye fishers of men. You catch 'em - He'll clean 'em. 

Stop, Drop, and Roll won't work in Hell. 


Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous. 

Don't put a question mark where God put a period. 

Don't wait for 6 strong men to take you to church.

Forbidden fruits create many jams.

God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

God grades on the cross, not the curve. 


God loves everyone,
But probably prefers 'fruits of the spirit' over 'religious nuts!' 

God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.. 

He who angers you, controls you!


If God is your Co-pilot, swap seats!

Don't give God instructions, just report for duty!


The task ahead of us is never as
Great as the Power behind us.

The Will of God never takes you to where the
Grace of God will not protect you.

We don't change the message,
The message changes us.


You can tell how big a person is
By what it takes to discourage him/her. 


The best mathematical equation I have ever seen:
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given.

If this blessed you in a profound way today,
Share it with a few friends to bless them!
I bet someone else will LOVE it too.
 There is no greater treasure than a good friend!

Thank you Walter, it is always good to hear from you and your one liners are great. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Who are you trusting? My prayer is HIM and ONLY HIM. I fall short everyday.

“Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?”  Isaiah 2:22


How many times have you been disappointed by someone for whom you voted, betrayed by a friend, been abandoned by a loved one, or let down by a church leader? While we love others and care about them, every other person in our world is just like us — a flawed human being who breathes the same air and walks the same ground as we do. Only One is worthy of our ultimate trust. He showed us by sacrificing what was most precious to him so we could know his love. Let’s not put our hope in other mere mortals; only God can safeguard our trust. Let’s put our hope in him!

Father, you know the broken places in my heart that were caused by the failure of people in my life. I confess that I have sometimes become disillusioned with your way because of the failures and inconsistencies in your people. Deep down I know, dear Father, that their failures do not mean your failure, but it is hard for it not to feel that way. Call me close to you. Give me a more gracious heart toward those who fail me. Establish my faith, strong and firm in you, O LORD. In you I put my trust. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

By Phil Ware
– used by permission.
Phil’s daily devotionals: http://www.verseoftheday.com

Monday, March 23, 2015

The Door Of Fulfilment

“I am the door, if anyone enters through me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” John 10:9
Many Christians I know are frazzled. They work hard to serve God in tangible ways, and yet time for prayer and rest is brushed aside for modern day guarantees of fulfillment. Idle time is wasted on empty entertainment or scanning phones, having jostled and interrupted conversations with others doing the same.
Jesus invited us to set that all aside for true fulfillment when He said, “I am the door.” Only in Him do we, as weary travelers, finally arrive at a secure destination where we can be nourished.
In today’s passage, God is calling us to the rest that becomes ours by crossing through Christ, the door. We are like sheep that wander. When we ignore God’s door, we come back starved, misled, dirty, or at the very least worn out.
However, when we pay close attention to today’s verse, we see that only back-and-forth, day-to-day fellowship with God will provide us with pasture or food, not only for our bodies, but also for our souls.
No matter how many wonderful things you accomplish each day, no matter how many people you influence, don’t forget to get your nourishment from God so you can continue to please Him as well as to stay balanced. The Door is open and those who enter will indeed reap a healthy reward.
Dear Lord, I pray that You would help me to set aside every encumbrance so I can focus on having time with You. I pray that You would hear the cries of my heart, would recognize my passions, and would turn me in the right direction so I can find true fulfillment for the journey. Thank You for the sweet pasture I find in Your presence. The gifts in my life are plentiful, and I attribute them all to You; they are all for Your glory. Amen.
Thought: We can be at home with Jesus every single day. All we have to do is knock on the door—Him. Don’t’ just knock once today. Knock throughout your day. Draw strength and nourishment from your Savior.
Try spiritual breathing. It’s a great way to keep you knocking.
By Christa Hardin

Sunday, March 22, 2015

As I have been looking at condos, just trying to find more money

This is a class I signed up for a couple of weeks ago, on line. It is Urban League Broward County. It is a organization that helps people with getting jobs,cars and even homes. So I went to see what it was all about. I got there and asked one of the ladies if I should even be there. Knowing I have a job and make pretty good money too, With Social Security and working at Calvary. They said please stay and see what they have to offer. So during the first hour they both took turns explaining who they were and why they do what they do. 

This was my ticket to be part of this class. 

Then, like I said before about a hour later, they asked all of us to read this and sign it and they will keep on going with the class. One of the ladies asked if any one wants to stop at this point , no problem. I read over this letter of commitment and said, sorry this is not for me. The reason is I know how to save and have all my bills paid for and even own a truck. I just wanted to find about if they help with a mortgage? Which they do, but I would have to take all these classes and then have to meet with a coach and go from there. I really thought about it and thought there are many more people out there that can use their money better than I could. I left and that is that. 
There was 6 others in the room there. One was trying to refinance her home. Another just wanted to buy a car for work. I did have a chance to hear their stories and I was move to know these people are hurting. One neat story was, the older woman that was trying to refinance her home. She told me about how her son bought a house back three year, with the help of Urban League. He was 23 years old and his kid will own it in 27 years. I really love hearing stories about the children of the future really understand how to save and buy smart. At that age I was just thinking about how to make money and better ways of spending it. Will not go into details. Just dumb stuff. 

They even show you how to budget your money too. Which, if you look back in this blog. You can see a class I have been taking at Calvary. Financial Peace University. Dave Ramsey. It really is a great class on how to save and spend wisely. I really wish when I was much younger, I wish I could have taken this class. But as it is I am in it now and walking away learning many things about different ways of saving your money. I will be in that class today at 1 pm. That is when I take my lunch and sit in there and try to walk away with more knowledge. 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

I have been praying and asking Him what does He think about this place?

This is the back yard of the place I really like. 

As it is now, I have my realtor looking at ways of getting this place.About two weeks ago we looked at here. They wanted $53,000.  My realtor told me they dropped the price to $50,000. I asked why would it go down so fast in price? My friends told me about how folks pass away and leave these places for their children and all they want to do is sell it NOW. They only want to get their money and move on with their lives. So a couple of days ago, I looked again at the price, $47,000. Wow. I called my realtor and he is working on ways to see what I can do there. The problem is,the place I have been approved for funds, nothing lower than $50,000. loan they will give me. Now this place is only $47,000. I am just trusting in Him and we will see what happens. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Now that is a sun set.

As I get to drive around and do different things each day, I have the chance to look out and see His beauty. Which when that happens I 'm in awe. 
Just to give you a little up date on what is going on with my back. I have found out this doctor knows her stuff, I have been stretching and putting ice on it. It really does make a difference. Plus I thank you all for your prayers. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

I am not sure about you, but as I walk on the side walks and look at people, they have their heads down and looking at their phones.

The Door of Fulfillment
Posted on March 19, 2015 by Devotionals
“I am the door, if anyone enters through me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” John 10:9
Many Christians I know are frazzled. They work hard to serve God in tangible ways, and yet time for prayer and rest is brushed aside for modern day guarantees of fulfillment. Idle time is wasted on empty entertainment or scanning phones, having jostled and interrupted conversations with others doing the same.
Jesus invited us to set that all aside for true fulfillment when He said, “I am the door.” Only in Him do we, as weary travelers, finally arrive at a secure destination where we can be nourished.
In today’s passage, God is calling us to the rest that becomes ours by crossing through Christ, the door. We are like sheep that wander. When we ignore God’s door, we come back starved, misled, dirty, or at the very least worn out.
However, when we pay close attention to today’s verse, we see that only back-and-forth, day-to-day fellowship with God will provide us with pasture or food, not only for our bodies, but also for our souls.
No matter how many wonderful things you accomplish each day, no matter how many people you influence, don’t forget to get your nourishment from God so you can continue to please Him as well as to stay balanced. The Door is open and those who enter will indeed reap a healthy reward.
Dear Lord, I pray that You would help me to set aside every encumbrance so I can focus on having time with You. I pray that You would hear the cries of my heart, would recognize my passions, and would turn me in the right direction so I can find true fulfillment for the journey. Thank You for the sweet pasture I find in Your presence. The gifts in my life are plentiful, and I attribute them all to You; they are all for Your glory. Amen.
Thought: We can be at home with Jesus every single day. All we have to do is knock on the door—Him. Don’t’ just knock once today. Knock throughout your day. Draw strength and nourishment from your Savior.
Try spiritual breathing. It’s a great way to keep you knocking.

Folks I know these phones are for us to do more, but really. Do they take us away for our Lord's time? I remember many years ago. I had a friend, his name was Anthony. Well every time we would be walking along talking, his phone would ring. He would say " this sure is a leash, every one know how to get a hold of me now" That is so true. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Did you hear this story about Chick-Fil-A ? I know I never did.


This is a story worth reading, and I bet you have not heard any of this on
radio or TV. Please read it and then pass it along.

TWO years ago "Chick-fil-A" (read as Chick Fillet) made national headlines
when company president Dan Cathy spoke out in support of traditional
marriage. Liberals and gays came unglued and launched massive protests
against the restaurant chain.  Several mayors spoke out saying they would
not allow any more Chick-fil-As to be built in their cities.

They tried boycotting the Christian owned company, but that backfired.
Instead, Chick-fil-A had a world record day with many locations selling out
of food to the hundreds of thousands of supporters. Is it any surprise that
the only news the liberal mainstream media has reported on concerning
Chick-fil-A, has only been the negative side? Or were they too ashamed to
admit that?

Remember when the ice storm hit the south and east? The mainstream media
showed footage of miles of cars stranded on the frozen interstates.  Several
national news broadcasts that I saw reported about school kids trapped on
busses for almost 24 hours because of all the ice and parents going frantic
wondering where their kids were?

In all of the icy gloom and doom, I bet you didn't hear about the heroic and
generous actions of a Chick-fil-A along Highway 280 in Birmingham, Alabama,
did you?

Mark Meadows, owner of the Chick-fil-A closed early the day of the storm and
sent all of his employees home.  However, the employees and Meadows soon
discovered that they were not going to be able to get home with all of the
stranded motorists stuck on the roads.  Some of the cars near the restaurant
had been stranded for up to 7 hours.

Audrey Pitt, manager of the Chick-fil-A described the conditions: Our store
is about a mile and a half from the interstate and it took me two hours to
get there.  It was a parking lot as far as I could see.  At one point there
were more people walking than driving.

Meadows and his employees returned, fired up the kitchen and began preparing
chicken sandwiches as fast as they could. They prepared several hundred
sandwiches and then Meadows and his staff headed out and began distributing
the hot meals to the stranded motorists on both sides of Highway 280.

Some of the drivers tried to pay them for the sandwiches, but Meadows and
his employees refused to take a single penny. Audrey Pitt explained why:
This company is based on taking care of people and loving people before you
are worried about money or profit.  We were just trying to follow the model
that we have all worked under for so long and the model that we have come to
love. There was really nothing else we could have done but try to help
people any way we could.

However, Meadows and Pitt were not through with their Good Samaritan
efforts.  They helped push cars off the roads, up inclines and whatever else
they could do to help. Then they kept the restaurant open overnight so that
stranded motorists could have a warm place to be.  A number of motorists
slept in booths or on the benches.

Then in the morning, they again fired up the kitchen and prepared chicken
biscuits for their overnight guests and once again they refused to accept
any payment.  During that 24 hour period, this Chick-fil-A restaurant opened
their kitchen, their doors and their hearts to hundreds of stranded
motorists and they did so refusing to accept any payment.  As one source put
it, Meadows and his staff lived up to the words Jesus spoke in Matthew 25:35
which states:

"For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you
gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in. "

Their actions were truly generous and heroic as they also braved the frigid
temperatures to hand out hundreds of hot meals to complete strangers.  And I
bet you never heard anything about this from the "On the spot" reporting of
the mainstream media.  Had it been a group of Jews, Muslims, homosexuals or
atheists who have done this, it would have been all over the news from coast
to coast. But maybe it was too much against their liberal standards to
report a Christian company doing a Christian thing, something that was so
positive for so many.

We need to support this kind of Christian attitude and all Christian

Pass this along and bypass the media!

Thank you Walter very much. I love hearing about our Christian brother and sisters doing good. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Okay, do you have back pain?

Well since about two months ago, I just lived with it. I just thought the old body is wearing down and there really is nothing I can do. That is why I am trying to eat better. Try to go down fighting. 
Okay now I am having trouble sleeping. This is not good at all. A friend of mine here, she was telling me about a woman that is a Chiropractor. I thinking I have been to those people before. If you don't know it, back in 1988. I was working for Home Depot and really screwed up m back. I was the paint manger. Okay what do I done now? 
Had pretty good insurance. So my doctor at the time said go to a chiropractor. So I did and he really didn't done any thing to relieve the pain in my back. Doctor told me to go to the hospital and stay there for a couple of days. They put me on a rack to stretch my back and fix the problem, they thought this. I went in and came out with even more pain. Got another doctor's, appointment. I need a Cat Scan. Okay, after that he showed me my problem. It was four (4) grape seed size pieces of bone that is in between my spinal vertebrae. So I went into the hospital. They did a small (one inch) cut and used a laser to destroy the broken pieces. 
The next day I got up and NO PAIN at all. 
Okay is this going to work going to her? I will try for a little while and see what happens. 
Doing the stretches is NO FUN AT ALL.I need to get this old body in shape again. 

Jeanne saw this place and had to stop.

This restaurant in on Rt. 60 heading from 95 to downtown Vero Beach. Autumn's Crab .  Walked in and sat down. Really kind of quiet for b...