Friday, March 06, 2015

These last couple of days, having some trouble sleeping.

On Monday night I went to the movie at our place here. It was Birdman. Okay a couple of weeks ago it won best picture at the Oscar Awards. Well about ten minutes into it, I was thinking what is going on? There was a lot of swearing and just not making any sense. I said to myself. It won the Oscar, it has to get better? I even saw about twenty people walk out of the theatre.  Okay there was some real good acting, but over all it was not worth paying $10.00 to see. Oh that right I only spend $2.00? But really was something I would tell everyone to go see. Maybe even tell you DON"T waste your time of money. 

Okay now why haven't I been doing my blog. Well for the last couple of months I have been having trouble sleeping at night. I am thinking it is the bed. So to get relief, I tried to sleep on a air mattress, Lazy boy, a sofa and floor, what ever. I just could sleep for about a hour and I would not move, the pain was wow. It was a sharp pain. Thinking okay maybe my kidneys, or something else? Pulled a muscles. Just was rough to lay down and then GET UP. 
Okay I broke down and went to a chiropractor. The place made me feel special and caring. I went and got some X rays and the doctor told me that I will need to come back on Friday. Mean while just use ice on the part that hurts the most. Which I have been for the last tow nights. It really has given me a good night rest and today I get to have some bones moved around and we will see how this all works out I will let you know tomorrow. 

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