Saturday, October 12, 2024

Jeanne and I are okay, I still have to tell you what has happen.

Well Hurricane Milton was coming to visit Florida. At first, he was heading towards Tampa. Then he turned a little more south. So, Sarasota was his heading. Meanwhile my family (cousins), they live in Largo. That is northwest of Tampa. That would be Debbie, Jon, Joyce and Greg were going to drive up to Melbourne. I have another cousin that lives in Winter Haven. I texted her a couple of times asking is her plan. She was saying she will be okay in home. I asked her a couple of times why stay? She was has a couple of cats and thought it would be okay. Meanwhile I was getting our house ready for his visit. I put our shutters and brought in hanging plants plus. Oh, I did go over to Spain Lakes Country Club and put s a couple of friends clam shells.

There is one customer that I was planning on putting in a new water heater and shower faucet. But it was not leaking to bad. I told her I would be back on Friday and buy the water heater and put it in on Monday. So, you can see what I am talking about clam shells (above). 

Okay so we are pretty much ready for Milton's visit. Boy all these pictures were taken on Monday Oct 7th. You can see we were getting a lot of rain form our friend Milton. 
Okay, on Wednesday afternoon I got a text asking me to pick up my cousin in Winter Haven. Okay it's 1 pm the storm will not be hitting Florida until midnight or later on this day. 
So, I told her okay I am on my way. I left and while driving I kept getting these tornado warning along route 60. Not seeing anything except a lot of rain. and a lot of traffic heading towards me. I got to her house at 3 pm an loaded her things up and headed back home. The rain was getting worse, and the roads had a lot of water on them. I just kept going and we made it back to my house by 6pm. 
Got her unloaded and went out and made sure our house is secure. 
Now Jeanne got a call saying the power is off at the school. So, we loaded up four extension cords. Got to the school and ran cords from the school generator and hooked up the freezers and one refrigerator. Did have to food a lot of food around to make sure it will be okay.  
We didn't get out of there until after 1am. Still raining but we got home and took showers and went to bed. 
The power went out around 3am. (Thursday) We are still okay and just slept in until 10am. I got up and got the generator out and four extension cords out and started laying them out to where they will run. Hooked up all four (4) of our refrigerators and one freezer. Thinking to make sure they are all cooled off. Plus set up internet and Jeanne's computers so she can do her grading for the school. They are due on Monday morning. I took down the two panels of the hurricane shutter off so we can look out and outside. Meanwhile talking with my cousin, she told me that she has power back at her home and there is no damage to her house. I asked about her brother and our other cousins. She told me that they are staying in Melbourne. Okay would you like for me to take you home? Okay folks it's kind of funny it's 1pm again. So, we packed her up and, on the road, again. There was a lot more cars heading west now. But I got her home by 3pm. WOW. this is the same time the day before. CRAZY. 
I got back home, (6 pm) and Jeanne and I went out to dinner at Moonshiners. There were a few folks there.  We saw some of Jeanne's family there and got caught up on how everyone if doing. Meanwhile had a dinner and headed back home and the power was back on. THANK YOU, LORD. 
Now this is Friday morning I started cleaning up our yard and just get things back in order again. 
I called a few of my friends in SLCCV. Found out everyone I talked to was okay. But have heard that four (4) people were killed by a tornado, that hit the park. 
Please keep that park in your prayers. I did talk with Carol's daughter. She was my customer that needed a water heater replaced. The good thing is Carol is okay. but she lost her roof. I will not be replacing her water heater. 

This is our neighbor, Debbie. the tree alongside of her house spilt in half and there was a guy out there cutting it up and hauling it off. She is still without power. The tree took out her power. 

Thank you, Jeanne, for buying this generator back in 2004. During that time, Jean and Francis came to visit twice. So, this generator has been a life saver. Do you see the 120/240 volts 30a ac plug. Well today I am going to make up a cord for this and hook it up and test today and make sure we have power for the house without extension cords. 

Jeanne's Mom had this installed back in 2004. So, we have it all set up for us already. 
I knew it and looked up on how to hook up the generator to the house back a few weeks ago. We lost power because of tree that have not bene trimmed. 

After they got our power back up a few weeks ago. I came over here to see what happened. 
So, prayerfully I will get the cord and be done with it. 

The funny thing is I didn't take many pictures of anything. The reason is I have been a busy guy. 
It all worked out because GOD IS WITH US. 
Today read I in 2 Thessalonians 2:14 He called you to salvation when we told you the GOOD NEWS; now you can share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 


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I got a call from Wayne and Lynn, need me to come over and set up their generator.

As I was driving down Kings Highway. This is at Angle Road. This is the road that Westwood High School is on the east side. Now I can unders...