Saturday, October 05, 2024

This place needs to clean up.

Folks, my friend here are trying to clean up their house outside. It's hard sometimes to keep up with lawn work. Hey everyone, out there. It's very hard to keep up with lawn work and just life itself. 
Okay I started by spraying all the weeds. This way I will come back the next day and used the weed eater. 

Okay first of all I need to pull all the pavers (Straight Scallops) There were 56 plus pieces. I just used a shovel and popped them up and picked them up and piled them up on the back, behind the shed. 
Like I said earlier, sprayed all the weeds and grass that doesn't belong there. Like this corner you are looking at now. 

Okay not sure if you know this or not, these pavers weight around 15 pounds each. So, thinking I might have to remove these. The reason I am saying that is. If the folks that come over to their home and check this and say need to remove them. I will have to use my baby's big truck. My little Ranger 
But it not they are very nice sitting where they are now. 
I will give you a update in a couple of days what I did and tried to do.
This is what I read this morning.  There was one verse that reminded me of a teaching our old Pastor Bob taught many years old. Colossians 2:6 to 7
Title-Freedom From Rules And New Life In Christ.  
6) And how, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to live in obedience to Him. (7) Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all he has done. 
Pastor Bob taught about what is in your cup, when you hit the cup what spills out? 
It is with Thanksgiving, Kind and Loving. Ot is it impure thought, envy, drunkenness, wild parties. 
Folks I really hope and pray when someone hits your cup. that all good comes out of it. 
The sad part is your cup will be getting hit a lot more after becoming a Christian. 


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