Parking was great, it cost $20.00 but right in front of the gate we needed to go into and during our time in the fair, I came out the car a few times. So, we were very blessed to find that spot and the guys over seeing this parking lot, Jeanne had them help her bring boxes of strawberries to the car. Hey, my baby was planning on buying them even before we got there.
This is the line to get tickets. We drove over on route 60 and got here around noon. These are the folks behind me. That's my cap Called Higher.
Right as we got going in, wow this place is overflowing with people.
We were and Jeanne saw this sign, okay let's get some strawberry short cake. There was a line for that too, Cost $6. each one. Hey, it wasn't bad. The strawberries could be a little more ripper.
Well we walked around a lot and saw this and that. but our tummies were getting hungry. So, Jeanne has been seeing small Chinese containers in people's hands walking around. She asked a few folks where did you get that? So, we stood in line for a little while and got some noodles and chicken. Now that was a little more $12.00 each. But the food was pretty good, and Jeanne really has been wanting some noodles. We walked back to the car and ate our dinner and even took a small nap. The reason is, we have tickets to see Lauran Daigle. (Christian singer). Her show starts at 7:30pm. So, our nap was for about a hour or so. We woke up and started heading toward the Statum. While walking that way, saw there was an airplane flying overhead and saw a sign flashing
I think they were ads for the fair.
Our seat was not to close at all. I was thinking we got great sits for $75.00 each. Oh, well my little girl was excited to see her. This is was her Valetines and (4) Wedding Anniversary. So, she really loved it.
These pictures were from the side projector shots.
Jeanne needed to go to the restroom near the end of the show. Which work out great. She didn't have to wait in line and we got down the stairs with no troubles. I was thinking wow coming down for our seats where we were, was going to hold up a lot of folks behind us. But it all worked out great.
We got out of the parking lot with no traffic.
I thought I took a picture of the front. But I guess wrong. The reason for these pictures were, I had to park in back of the hotel and walk all the way around to the front again to get in. There are no back entrances. Kind of crazy WHY THERE IS NO BACK DOOR.
The room was very nice and the girl at the front was very helpful.
Oh, we are staying at the Best Western in Mulberry Florida.
This is where we got our free breakfast. It really was a good breakfast. They had a waffle maker, scrambled eggs, grits, muffins, bagels, yogurt plus orange and apple juice and coffee. Overall, a real nice breakfast and tasty. I meet a few guys here; they are on the softball teams that are having their state tournament. Plus, a couple of Umpires that are overseeing these games down the road.
Thye sure have a great looking pool, but this is a screen room. So today the temps are running 56 to 70.
I guess no swimming today.
Staying here was very enjoyable, and the price was not that bad. $180.00.
Okay now our plan is to drive to another outside festival. It's an arts and craft tents and other items for sale too. It's on our way home.
This is called Bloomin Art Festival of Bartow, Florida.
While walking around Jeanne saw something she wanted.
This is a water sprinkler. I rotate when the water is flowing thru it.
Then still walking around, this guy had a lot of auto parts that he made different piece. Jeanne saw this and said what do you think?
His name is LAKE. He is so cute, and I just loved him too. So, these two new friends we have are in our back yard, now. Hey my baby has a eye for neat things. I agree I like them both.
Okay on our way home now. Oh, we are getting hungry now too.
This is called Catfish Country. We heard a few people talking about this place at the festival. So, here we are. My little girl love catfish and this is the place, I guess.
Very well laid out and all kinds of things to look at.
I got the Coconut Shrimp lunch meal.
Jeanne got the catfish. She enjoyed it. but she was thinking it was something else. I guess there are different ways of making catfish and she was thinking they would be a short body. I am not sure. But we ate and it was good. We even had the left overs for dinner on Tuesday even here.
Hey this was our little vacation. It was nice to get away for a weekend and we are back home safety, and our Kia made it there and back home.
Folks, while we were riding, we were talking about going to the Bahamas. So, on Monday and Tuesday we made plans and everything it in order for this next trip abroad.
I haven't been back there since 2017. So, I promised Jeanne this is not a work vacation. We will be tourist.
I am so excited to see my old friends and families that I was part of their lives back in 2005 to 2016.
We will be flying Jet Blue and getting a rental car there at the airport. So, I am asking for prayer for this trip, big time. I just want this to be one of our best times ever since we have been together.
Well, I have been still reading my Bible each morning and I am in Joshua reading about the land that The Lord is giving His people He promised them. So, there is times I am just reading and going forward in skimming over some chapters. I am looking forward in getting into Judges. Here are some great people stories. I am not saying Joshua was not a good book. It is.
I am very simple when I read the Bible, I enjoy hearing about what the Israelites went thru and how God just showed up and He fixed it for them.
So, He is with us and He wants us to just keep trusting Him and call on HIM.