Monday, October 23, 2006


Hello friends, I am so sorry for it has been a while since the last Blog. I don’t really have any kind of excuse. Hey maybe I do, my computer has been down for more than two months. Plus I was sick for 7 days. So maybe I do have a reason. Well let me tell you about a group that came over in Sept. 29 to Oct. 4, 2006. Their name is First Baptist of Oviedo, Florida. They were so ready to make a difference here in the Bahamas. They did puppet shows at some of the schools and skits too. Then they worked at ALC a full day. Painting, repairing our driveways, plus even did a lot of weed pulling. There were other things to that they did too. Their stay here was all about ministry work. That is the reason why we love to have these kinds of groups come over here. There were a lot more things that they did, like blessing of my own ministry. At this time I just want to say thank you to them and all that help me stay help. While talking about staying here. I have signed up for another two (2) more years. I will explain in the news letter that I will write by the end of this coming week. Thank you for your prayers and all that you guys do for me. Bye for now Tom, Phil 4:13

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