Monday, December 15, 2008

Hey we had our Christmas Service

Yes last night was our special Senior Choir show. This year they really did very well. It is the Christmas story done in music. I had a very small part in it. I was the Inn keeper that gave Joseph and Mary a place to stay. I really did have fun doing it. The reason is, I just acted out the part while guy named Bill Sands sang a song. During my time up there I just lip sung the song and acted it out. It really was a lot of fun. I have not seen any pictures of me yet. But the picture you see above is near the final part of the show. You can see the Baby Jesus, Mary , Joesph, and the wise guys. I felt really privilege to be part of the show. Tonight we are doing something a little different. Tonight it is out side and the parts are being played by some of the students that go to Calvary Bible. I have the privilege to bring three lambs to the show for the side. To make it look like a real stable. I hope to have pictures of that tomorrow morning. Okay enough about me.
How are you all doing out there??? I really hope and pray that this Christmas is one that He speaks to you and just loves on you too. I know the times are rough and I know a lot of friends out there that have lost their jobs, due to the world money ting. I really would love to hear from some of my friends that I have not heard from. Please e mail me at.

I am back at Wayne's and Linda's home.

Okay Wayne ordered a new electric, wheelchair.  So, by looking at the landing. As he will be coming out and in this way. he needs to be able...