Friday, September 11, 2009

Good day all.

I just want to share a quit note. These last two weeks I have been in a lot of pain. The reason is I hurt my back two Mondays ago. Now I did see a doctor and he told me to just take it easy. Which I said okay. That next day I was back to work and doing pretty much every thing that I usually do. You know fill water bottles and repair a set of brakes. While repairing the brakes I needed to be bending over and picking up tires and just doing foolish tings. I kept thinking I am doing much better now. I would go home and try now taking the Motrin that the doctor ordered for me to take. I kept thinking if I take it I would be defeating the purpose of the pain. I would do even more foolish things with pain killers.
Well the pain has not gotten any better. So yesterday I went back to the doctor and told him all the foolish tings that I have been doing. He told me to get a x ray of my back and he ordered more pills for me. I came back from there and went to bed. I slept all afternoon. Got up and went to Bible study last night. Felt great. Boy I sure have been a fool by trying to fix my back by my ways. This morning had some pain, reason a lot of raining going on out side. But as I write I am feeling MUCH BETTER, REALLY I AM.

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