Sunday, March 28, 2010

What a great time last niight.

Yes I was on the Logo's Hope, ship. This get together was put on for pretty much any one that has been part of Adventure Learning Centre. Randy was our DJ. The night started out with a small amount of crew members dressed up in their native dress. The reason I say small,is there are over 500 missionaries on this ship. From over 45 countries. I have seen their show before when I was on the Logo's II. They will have ad least one person from each country. They dress in their native clothes and give their names and what country they are from.
The Lord showed us last night about how Randy and his family have been so much part of this island. There was about 10 people that shared how and why they were there last night. It all comes down to how God used this place called ALC using people just like myself and others to in pack this island. There was about 20 students that were part of a church here, back 10 to 15 years ago. Some of them shared how Jesus was shown through Randy and friends. Now these students have families themselves and even children. It really was a night to reflex on God and His hand working through this island with the youth. It is still happening here and it will not stop until He has finished His work.

This was where I was last night, Logo's Hope

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Byron is a guy that helps out Missionaries through out the world.

I have been on the mission field now for 4 1/2 years. June 2 will be 5 years. I have been so blessed to be here at The Adventure Learning Centre. My main ministry is to keep this place running. You know like the buses and other vehicles. Plus if something breaks I have the chance to fix it. Which means I can not get paid for being here. Work permit's are needed and cost money. I just want to servive my Lord and do His will here. Enough on that.
Now Byron came over to help us out. January of this year we had to change the way we collect our funds. The reason is ALC has been doing now since they started many years ago. But it really has been a lot of hard work and paper work that has been changed by our USA Government. Before we where called self employed, that means we get a #1099 form for our taxes. They now want us to receive a W-2 form. So Shepard's Staff as come a broad to help us out. Byron has been part of them for the last couple of years. His main ministry is to show how they deal with our funds and how they will be there if we have any questions. I am not sure if you know this or not. As being a missionary, we have to pay taxes too. So Shepard Staff is the one that will collect our funds and do all of the paper work that is needed so we will not have to come up with a big clunk of money at the end of the year. They will take it out each month and at the end of the year, we might even get something back. If you remember last year at this time. I had to come up with $958.00 to pay my taxes. It really was not a good time to have to pay out that much at once.
Well I can tell you this, if any one out THERE wants to help out my ministry here At ALC. Please contact Byron at Shepard's Staff. (The web page is below) Tom Schafer account #4303. Plus if you have any question on anything to do with my ministry, PLEASE e mail me at

This is Byron Mondok

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Today we saw our brothers and sisters really give it to our Lord Jesus Christ

Ddi you know these are facts?

Death is certain but the Bible speaks about untimely death!
Make a personal reflection about this......
Very interesting, read until the end.....
It is written in the Bible (Galatians 6:7):
'Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap..
Here are some men and women who mocked God :
John Lennon (Singer):
Some years before, during his interview with an American Magazine,
he said: 'Christianity will end, it will disappear.
I do not have to argue about that..I am certain.
Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple, today we are more famous than Him' (1966).
Lennon, after saying that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ,was shot six times.
Tancredo Neves (President of Brazil
During the Presidential campaign, he said if he got 500,000 votes from his party, not even God would remove him from Presidency.
Sure he got the votes, but he got sick a day before being made President,then he died.
Cazuza (Bi-sexual Brazilian composer, singer and poet):
During a show in Canecio ( Rio de Janeiro ),
While smoking his cigarette, he puffed out some smoke into the air and said:'God, that's for you.'
He died at the age of 32 of LUNG CANCER in a horrible manner.
The man who built the Titanic
After the construction of Titanic, a reporter asked him how safe the Titanic would be.
With an ironic tone he said:
'Not even God can sink it'
The result: I think you all know what happened to the Titanic
Marilyn Monroe(Actress)
She was visited by Billy Graham during a presentation of a show.
He said the Spirit of God had sent him to preach to her.
After hearing what the Preacher had to say, she said:
I don't need your Jesus'.
A week later,she was found dead in her apartment
Bon Scott (Singer)
The ex-vocalist of the AC/DC. On one of his 1979 songs he sang:
'Don't stop me; I'm going down all the way, down the highway to hell'.
On the 19th of February 1980, Bon Scott was found dead, he had been choked by his own vomit.
Campinas (IN 2005)
In Campinas , Brazil a group of friends, drunk, went to pick up a friend.....
The mother accompanied her to the car and was so worried about the
drunkenness of her friends and she said to the daughter
holding her hand, who was already seated in the car:
My Daughter, Go With God And May He Protect You.'
She responded: 'Only If He (God) Travels In The Trunk, Cause Inside Here.......It's Already Full '
Hours later,news came by that they had been involved in a fatal accident,
everyone had died,the car could not be recognized what type of car it had been, but surprisingly, the trunk was intact.
The police said there was no way the trunk could have remained intact. To
their surprise, inside the trunk was a crate of eggs, none was
Christine Hewitt (Jamaican Journalist and entertainer)said the
Bible (Word of God) was the worst book ever written.
In June 2006 she was found burnt beyond recognition in her motor vehicle.
Many more important people have forgotten that there is no other name that was given so much authority as the name of Jesus.
Many have died, but only Jesus died and rose again, and he is still alive.
I have done my part, Jesus said 'If you are embarrassed about me,
I will also be embarrassed about you before my father.'
I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless me,
my family, my home, and my friends, in Jesus' name.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Just another day at ALC

This last Monday Bob and I found out that this bus engine would not turn over. So we pulled out the glow plugs and found water in side of the head. So yesterday we had the chance to take the head off and today I will be taking it down to the machine shop. There they will clean the surface and put in new seals in it. This way we will know for sure if the head is good or not. If you have been watching my blog, you have seen how we need these buses to run the Adventure Learning Centre. For the last three weeks, it seams each bus has a mind of it's own. Like yesterday, the Ocean Bus, the wire on the charging system was hooked up wrong. We worked on that Friday. So when we got to start it, the batteries were dead. They used the Jungle Bus, Jen brought it back and told me, there is no brakes. Found out the power boost for the brakes has been leaking for a while, but yesterday it was dry. I called a parts place here on the island for the boost. Cost is $600.00, they don't have one in stock. I know our Lord has it under control, I do ask for prayer for all of our vehicles.

Yes we have another engine bite the dust

Monday, March 15, 2010

This last week was our 38th Mission Confernce at Calvary Bible

The first picture you see below is my good friends and fellow missionaries. This is Mark Adam and Kim Wallace. These guys I talked about in a older blog I did on singles. I look at their lives and see God in the middle of what is going on and just love it.
Now about the conference itself. I only saw one day of it. The reason is back at the ALC this last week was as rough one. I know there was church each night of the week to hear and get to meet our missionaries from all over the world. But I choose to this year to chill after work and I was blessed by that too. Pastor Lee wanted this year to look into the Caring for the Persecuted and the Poor. Which meant the persecuted church around the world and the poor in our own community.
To close out our conference, Yesterday morning, we as a church came out to feed our neighbors and give out tracks on what it is being a Christian all about. Not sure of how many bags we gave out, but I know our Lord was watching over us and every thing went well. Plus I know our people that did the out reach came back with smiles and happy hearts for all that they did for our Lord, Jesus Christ.
After the Sunday service we had a luncheon. By looking at the pictures you can see how many came out and just enjoy the company of other missionaries and the community of Calvary Bible. I really hope and pray that the church you go to has the heart to help others and have fellowship too.

This last week was our 38th Missions Conference

Friday, March 12, 2010

About why these guys came down here.

Yes this last week I have been blessed to have these guys stay in my place. It was a small area but we all made it.
Their names are Pastor Ed Reed, Pastor Ed Hart and Chris. The two Pastors came down from upper part of New York and Chris is a missionary from Mexico. They all came here to get a chance to teach our Patmos students and have time with a couple of of missionaries that are here from there. That would be Laura, Jen and Michelo. These missionaries are from Pastor Ed Hart church. It was a nice time for them to have dinner and get to talk about all that God has been doing in their lives since they have been here.
Pastor Ed Reed had a chance to teach the Patmos students. Chris is here for the ride. Plus during a day they helped me out with some projexts that I have been trying to get done. I know they all had a good time and a time to reflex on God's Word and just have some fun.
It was funny how this week worked out. I would get home and just chill, then they would go out until 10pm. I could still enjoy relaxing and watching some tv. Get to bed by 9pm and it just worked out great. I just see how our Lord uses people in my life to bring joy and laughs. Plus some time to hear their stories.

These guys have been my room mates for the last week.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request

Please pray for churches in India. Buddhist extremists in India burned down 20 churches last night. Tonight they plan to destroy 200 churches in the province of Olisabang.They plan to kill 200 missionaries within 24 hours. Right now all Christians are hiding in villages. Please pray for them and send ...this mail to Christians you know. Please ask God to have mercy on our brothers and sisters in India. When you received this message, please send this urgent prayer request forward. Please pray for them and commit this matter in our Almighty and Victorious Lord!

Sunday, March 07, 2010

I have been watching every one's weather.

To all my friends up north… with all the recent news focused on the subzero weather and snow that the Midwest and Northeast coast areas are experiencing, we shouldn't forget that Florida sometimes has its share of devastating weather.

Below is a photo illustrating the excessive damage caused to a home from a west coast storm that recently passed through the GREATER MIAMI area.

It really makes you cherish what you have, and reminds us to count our blessings… and not to take life for granted. See photo:

Man you should have heard the wind when this storm came through

Friday, March 05, 2010

This is why health insurance is is going so HIGH

Those of us who spend much time in a doctor's office should appreciate this! Doesn't it seem more and more that physicians are running their practices like an assembly line? Here's what happened to Bubba:
> Bubba walked into a doctor's office and the receptionist asked him what he had. Bubba said: 'Shingles.' So she wrote down his name, address, medical insurance number and told him to have a seat.
> Fifteen minutes later a nurse's aide came out and asked Bubba what he had. Bubba said, 'Shingles.' So she wrote down his height, weight, a complete medical history and told Bubba to wait in the examining room.
> A half hour later a nurse came in and asked Bubba what he had. Bubba said, 'Shingles.' So the nurse gave Bubba a blood test, a blood pressure test, an electrocardiogram, and told Bubba to take off all his clothes and wait for the doctor.
> An hour later the doctor came in and found Bubba sitting patiently in the nude and asked Bubba what he had. Bubba said, 'Shingles.' The doctor asked, 'Where?'
> Bubba said, 'Outside on the truck. Where do you want me to unload 'em?'
> I'm still laughing!!
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him & He will direct your paths.

Dear Friends, let us PRAY TOGETHER


Do you ever feel out of sorts and wonder what happened to your joy and peace? Often, negative feelings is the signal that your soul needs a checkup. The soul holds onto hurts, self-pity, anger and bad feelings toward others. But, Jesus gave you the power to loose, put off, every thing that would hinder your lovewalk. Your weapons are mighty through God, so take them and cast down every thought that is contrary to His Word. Bind yourself to grace, mercy and the truth that makes you free. The Holy Spirit will release the refreshing to restore your soul.

Heavenly Father, I repent of my thoughts, words and actions that have been unlike you. Cleanse me with the blood of Jesus. Renew and transform me as I daily read and meditate on your Word. Thank you for sending a refreshing to my whole spirit, soul and body as I spend time in your presence. The power of the life-giving Spirit—power that is mine through Christ Jesus has freed me from the vicious circle of sin and death. Today, I am anointed with fresh oil from the Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Scripture Reading
Romans 12:2; Acts 3:19; Romans 8:1; Psalm 92:10

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

You can hear from God.

The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way .
--Psalm 37:23
One of the questions asked most often is, "How do I know that I'm hearing from God?" And that's a very important question. You and I need God's guidance; we need the peace that comes from knowing that we are hearing his thoughts on life's important choices.
Now, of course, when we talk about making choices, we're not talking about the kind of orange juice or soap to buy. We're talking about choices that relate to doing the will of God, obeying him, following him, and being used of God.
And the Lord assures us in Scripture that he is more than just interested in our choices... he's ordering our steps! You can know where to live, whom to marry, which job to accept, whether you should enter full-time ministry, and your role in the body of Christ.
If you want to hear from God, start each day by completely yielding to him. Say, "Lord, my life is yours. Live through me, guide me, speak to me, and show me the way." If you do that, you can trust that he will guide you. You don't know what each day will hold, but he does.
Put the Holy Spirit in charge. Follow the steps he lays out for you. God is in control!

Monday, March 01, 2010

Just to encourage us all.

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you"
(Ephesians 4:32, NIV)

In this day and age, it's easy to become distracted, almost consumed with all the obligations we have on a daily basis. Cell phones, computers, the internet have all made it so much easier to pack more into our days. And while technology is a great blessing to us, we have to remember that how much we get done isn't as important as how we treat others. We should never be so focused on plowing through our "to do" list that we mistakenly plow past the people in our lives.

I love this verse in Ephesians that simply reminds us to be kind, to be compassionate, to be forgiving. If people had to be reminded back in those times, how much more do we need to be reminded today! We should always be on the lookout for ways we can be kind to one another. Can you share a smile with someone or an encouraging word? Can you help meet a need?

Remember, as a believer, you are the hands and feet of Jesus in this earth. Look for ways to serve one another. Sow a seed and watch the harvest of blessing in your own life in return!

Father God, thank You for another day to live for You. Help me find creative ways to show kindness to the people you've put in my life. Show me ways I can sow seed and be a blessing to others. Thank You for equipping me to be Your representative and live in victory in every area of my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

I CHRON. 16:25

I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

It has been a while since I have trimmed and cleaned out her gutters too.  Oh, the reason I am here now is because Jeanne and her sisters pl...