Sunday, May 29, 2011

Okay now I can tell you why all the log in today

This week that has passed as been a real stretch for me. First Saturday after noon. I took the group that is below to the canals. We went there to go swimming and just relax. I left my phone on a towel and came back and it was gone. My problem, really, I saw the people sitting around and figure they would not touch my phone. Please don't be like me, trusting every one. So after that day I could not talk with no one by phone. First problem is I don't have numbers. That is right PLEASE take ten minutes and write down all your numbers in your phone. If not when you get it stolen or miss placed. They are gone for good.
Sunday was a nice day to relax. But I had a group in and had to make sure they cleaned up and left around 2pm. Looking at the pictures below, you see a freezer with colored water under it. This got unplugged by that group. Now it really was not their fault. By looking at the way the plug is in the wall. There is a surge protector on it and weights the plug down. It just fill out and was laying on the floor. No one saw it. So Thursday morning I was going around and checking to see how the kitchen looked and the back apartment. (Oh mean while Steve's group left last Tuesday morning). I saw the mess on the floor and just shook my head and said WHY? By looking at it I can see how it fill out. I put a pumper strap on it and it will not fall out again.
Monday went down and go a new sim chip and I have a phone again. Remember to write the numbers down????
Tuesday morning we had some trouble with the electric at the Centre. I tried to start up the generator. Battery dead. mean while Spot (Large sheep)came over to me and bucked me and my knee as been in pain since. I hit him over the head with a two by four. He just looked at me and said let play some more. We need to get him a friend or rite of him. I know some others have been bucked by him before. Now remember I did teach him that trick when he was a lamb. I would put my fist out and say come on hit it. He learned fast and now I get the pay back.
We got the electric back up, but I was still hurting, and still are.
Wednesday my next group came in, Calvary Chapel Ft Laud. 8 of them. They got in the I took them around and Mark showed them what and why we do what we do. Then the next day they were pretty much on their own. They did well. I think?
Friday Harri came in to help me. Which was a neat time to share and just get some work done. The toilet below is still leaking? We know now what is wrong. The tank has a crack and the water is dripping out there. I bought some stuff Harri told me that would work. I hope Monday to fix that.
Friday the train battery dead. So pulled it and put a charge on it. Plus a couple of others things broke too. But over all we are in good shape.
Saturday fixed the train. Then the van battery went dead? Pulled it out and it is on the charger as I write. Pulled the battery out of the Ford. Now that doesn't have a battery. The Jeep and Ford no battery. Hopefully Monday we should be in good shape. Prayerfully.
Today Sunday, I have been able to get on my blog and write and pictures all kinds of tings. I could not get onto my blog log in last week. I was using Fire Fox. Now using Explorer. That is why I have not written on it since last week end.

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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

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