Saturday, June 16, 2012

MEN WITH HONOR begins at home

Last night was a good time to listen to the men that were part of the movie call COURAGEOUS. These men had a chance to share the basics of why they made this movie. It really is pretty simple, if you think about it. The man of the house hold is the one that has to take charge and bring up his, sons and daughters with God's WORD. This way when the children are on their own they will understand why and what reason our lives on this earth are for. Bring Glory to HIS name. If you think about back when God CREATED US. What did He have in plan for us? I believe His plan was to be like the family He has with Son Jesus Christ. It has to be a loving relationship and respect for each other. When you have two in charge, mother and father. Or go one more step, two dads or moms.There is no real leadership skills. Like if you read, Jesus speaking: Mattthew 6:24: No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other,or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. I know now you are asking your self, what do I mean by this? Will it is pretty simple if you think about it this way. There can only be one in charge if there are two, who do you listen to? It all comes back to FATHERS HAS TO TAKE BACK THE RESPONSIBLY THAT GOD HAS GIVEN HIM. So this movie came out in Sept of last year and I know for a fact that many men now are trying to raise their children with this in mind. God first, wife next and then children. If you have this in the correct order, He will honor you and show you through His Word how to do it right. Just look around you these days and see how our children are doing? NOT to good. The reason is, their dads are not first seeking His will and His way. So if you have not seen this movie COURAGEOUS. PLEASE TAKE THE TIME AND GO GET IT AND WATCH IT WITH YOU FAMILY AND FRIENDS. I believe if we all as DADS would just do part of what they ask, I really think we can have His favor and bring our children up to bring GLORY to HIS Name, Jesus Christ. Lord of my life. My prayer is IS HE YOUR LORD OF YOUR LIFE?

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