Sunday, December 04, 2016

On Friday morning we had our Christmas get together.

As I have been part of a class on stretching. Well every Christmas time they have a little get together. 
We gather at the club house. Beautiful Christmas tree. 

As we were waiting around for the rest of the crew. We talked and just enjoy hearing the ladies talk about how long they have been part of the class and just nice stories. 

I was asked to go over to the ball room and pick up some bottles of juice. As I was walking through I saw line dancing going on. Hey there are always something going on here at this place. 
It really is a friendly and joyfully folks. 
Mean while that morning I hooked up my new phone. I found out while talking with one of the ladies there. She wanted to know if I could come over and look at something she would like to be build. So I gave her my number. I asked if she would call me and this way I have her number too. Well she tried and it would not go though. Okay my new phone is not working? I left early and got on line to get it corrected. After talking with a couple of folks on line from Tracfone. We got it all fixed. But I am not to keen on the pictures. So today I will be trading this phone in for another one. This as 2 MP for photos. I guess I need ad least 5 MP? 

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