Sunday, March 18, 2018

What a beautiful day for a couple of walks.

This is the Farmer's Market downtown Fort Pierce. I thought this would be a nice time to just walk around and get to see some different things for sale. As we were going thru the food area. 

My cousin Greg found some different kinds of cheeses. He bought the one that bites back at you. You now being very shape. I did taste it and thought good choice. But I was not spending $9.00 a pound? 

He we tried to take a selfie. and I guess it came out okay? 

While down this way I showed him the Cat Fish area. This is where you can feed to fish and just watch them. It really is funny how they know you are not aloud to fish in this area??? 

Drive down a little farther on Hutchinson Island. Stopped at the Surf Side Beach. There we took a walk along the shore and just enjoyed the sun and the warmth in the air. 

Meanwhile a couple of guys were surf fishing. I have seen many do this, but never saw any one caught anything. Well this young man got himself a baby shark. As walking up and seeing. Then work on getting the hook out of his month. They got it out and all is well. I know the poor shark will have a cut lip for a little while but he should recover with no problems. The salt in the water will help heal his wound. 

The kid got him back into the water and I think all is well. After here we drove down south a little more to show Greg the different beaches and started heading north again. 
As we were talking and enjoying some of the old days. Thinking I would love to go the Steak And Shake. So we drove north then west on 60. Got out on the west side of 95. Greg saw the Crackle Barrel and asked how about this place? So we had a great lunch, (fish) From there we drove back east to got see a movie. You see this sign. The signs reads, Mall Entrance  (arrow to the left)(on top) Then Hedden Place (arrow to the right. Then the last words say Next Signal. (on bottom) Now thing her is the entrance to the mall. (on left TURN HERE. Dead End street. 

Well we got there in plenty of time. The show (Death Wish) doesn't start until 2 pm. It was 1:45pm. So we got a tickets and sat there and waited for the coming attractions. 
The new movies coming out look like a great summer ahead. So the movie started out and it was okay. It was a remake of Charles Bronson Dead Wish. But it still was very entertaining. 
Got back home and went and shot some more pool. This afternoon I did much better. At the end it was 6 to 3. The sad part was Greg lost three of the games just scratching on the 8 ball. 
Over all  great day. 

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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

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