Sunday, September 05, 2021

What should we do on Friday night???

My baby has a plan. Let us make a few buck for the Culinary program, at Westwood High School. What do you mean honey Oh the football team needs some chicken sandwiches. So what is the plan? They would like to have something like Chick-fil-A sandwiches. Okay so she went to Public's and bought a 100 pieces of their chicken tenders. Then we got hamburger buns and some dill pickles, plus cheese and the great Chick-fil-A sauce. We made up 100 sandwiches and put them in nice chicken bags and then heated them up in the oven. Put them neatly in the coolers. 
Hey we both had one of the sandwiches and they really did taste as good.  

Here is the sign they made up for the menu that they were selling during the game. 
Okay now they are all set up and ready to do some selling. We are on our way to the big game. 

Watched the first half. Sorry to say Westwood was not on their game at all. At half time they were loosing (I think) 13 to O .

Our music department put on a nice show. This is the Westwood Band plus dancers and flag girls. 

It was a nice turn out. Their were many parents there. Plus some teachers too. Well as we were watching the game, we saw the scoring pilling up for the Naples Team. So we decided to get going home. It was a long day for both of us. 

I am sorry to say when we were leaving the score got worst. 30 to 0. 
Oh well there will be another game next week. 
Not sure if it is here or away? 
We will find out this next week. 
Hey I really hope and pray everyone out there is enjoying their Labor Day Week-end. 
Please stay safe and keep our prayers going to the south and over seas. 


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