Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Found some posters or piictures that were on Facebook.

I think around the 1st of Dec. I started wishing everyone, I saw a Merry Christmas. Most of the time, they response with Merry Christmas, back at me. But I have run into Happy Holidays too. We need to say Christmas, the season is Jesus, is the reason for Christmas.

 I thought that this was cute, but sad too. When Jeanne and I go out for dinner or anything. I look around and see how families are talking or using their computers/phones. It is kinda sad. We all get wrapped up in listening for our phone to go off, that ding or beep. Thinking wow I got a message. I need to look at it right now, I am so important, have to look and answer Right Now. 
Please folks talk with your family, put down the phones and have a conversion with them. You never know that might be the last time God gives you FAMILY to love or just say something nice to them? Our time on this earth is passing very fast and w need to share our love and be able to tell others,

I just thought this was kinda neat to look at, I took someone a long time to make this happen. 

My wish for this season is  this. 
To Be Better Than I Use To Be.

I saw this on Facebook and just thought back in my time, being under our Christmas tree, my train I loved it. It was a Lionel Train, not sure which size it was. 
When I got married to my first wife. I built a H.O. train village. Took a piece of 4' X 8' plywood and stapled fake grass on to it. Then went out an bought the train and buildings and other things to make is a village.  After the season was over, put it under the bed, to store it. 
Since then I think maybe I will build another one? Maybe NOT. 
Folks we can look back at our old lives an say wow, I wish this? But we all need to look ahead and say what can I do to make someone's else life better. 
Please Lord let this sink into my heart and be able to be used by You.


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